Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] it may be " in BNC.

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1 It may be the choice of words or it may be the respect that is accorded to the disapprover .
2 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
3 Some governing bodies provided additional finance to secure the services of a particular coach for the Regional Schools and it may be that your governing body would want to consider this .
4 It may appear as padding to a fixed size due to software limitations or it may be wasted space at the end of tracks and overflow areas because the record that should have gone there was too large .
5 But the man whose failure to think is morally culpable , is distinguishable from such blameless defendants and it may be that the courts will not wish to exclude him from liability .
6 The Yellow Book also requires the approval of shareholders for certain transactions and it may be necessary for the contract to have a gap between exchange and completion .
7 By its very nature , when delivered , bespoke software often contains errors and it may be some time before they can all be traced and corrected .
8 Association with colleagues after working hours could be taken as an indication of the priority given to company matters but it may be reluctantly undertaken .
9 ‘ What is certain is that the new legislation does provide an opportunity for all VAT exempt businesses to take a close look at their activities and it may be possible for many to commence receiving substantial repayments of VAT .
10 The auditor must determine the reasonableness of these individual judgments and it may be that specialist ( non-accounting ) assistance will need to be sought .
11 And the FUW also advises against allowing one or two vehicles on to farm land for several days or it may be interpreted by travellers as ‘ acquiescence ’ to their trespass and may result in them being joined by many more travellers .
12 Values will tend to follow the development plans , and land which acquires a high development value will normally be land on which development will be permitted ; but there will be exceptions and it may be thought that to limit compensation in these cases will inflict hardship on owners who are refused permission to develop or whose land is bought compulsorily .
13 In particular , there is bound to be a large amount of work involved in buying a number of small annuities over the years and it may be difficult to get the appropriate advice at the time .
14 This has not proved easy and the following trilogy of United States cases give an indication of the development of tests which may be applicable in the United Kingdom ( United States law has no binding effect on the United Kingdom courts but it may be of persuasive authority , particularly in the field of computer technology ) .
15 This may be in the form of small g individual work , the whole class working together , and involve the use of multi-media resources or it may be a arrangement .
16 Families may have to share lavatories with other families or it may be inconveniently placed and so parents find that it is too much bother to take children to the lavatory and continue to let them soil .
17 The nurse may recognise potential problems and it may be appropriate to discuss them with the patient .
18 One side without the other is likely to create problems and it may be better not to make an appointment than to settle for someone who is seriously inadequate either as a musician or as a leader .
19 These are some of the problems and it may be that early agreement and consequent implementation of the Second Directive are difficult to achieve .
20 This may be fine when we can identify the output in terms of manufactured goods but it may be more difficult to measure the output of a government official .
21 You 're doing all the right things but it may be that the source of the irritation is from within your vagina rather than just on the outer labia .
22 Children cope in different ways and it may be that the only support they need is from you .
23 Your opponent will be familiar with these going rates and it may be possible to settle costs advantageously on this basis .
24 When a horse suffers from chronic anxiety , its body is in a continual state of arousal for physical action with the result that the horse will over-react to any stimuli and it may be constantly jittery and nervous .
25 3.10 Subject as provided in clause 5.5.3 all fixtures affixed to or installed in the Premises as part of the Tenant 's Works ( other than Tenant 's fixtures ) shall become and remain the property of the Landlord notwithstanding that any of them may be affixed or installed after completion of the Lease The difficulty here is ensuring that both parties know what are tenant 's fixtures and it may be as well to include in a schedule the fixtures to which the landlord is referring .
26 Some local Law Societies negotiate a protocol for such advertising with the local doctors and it may be sensible to speak to your local Law Society secretary before you embark on any enquiries .
27 A large retail chain may want to expand and build more stores or it may be content with its current size since all the most profitable regions are covered .
28 The RYA has a list of schools it recognises as fulfilling its requirements and it may be worth contacting them .
29 Judicial ideas are no more immutable than any others and it may be that the above account is too pessimistic , but it seems likely that any future extension of strict liability will come only from the legislature .
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