Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to be more than an outsider in ‘ La Felicità ’ , more than a vague summertime nuisance for whose sake the family had to go travelling , someone only to be communicated with by notes or as a new source of rent .
2 They can be administered either as simple tablets or as a special , long-acting injection .
3 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
4 One minute of questioning ( in pairs , small groups or as a whole group ) to try to make someone say " Yes " or " No " .
5 Third , more technocratic accounts do not regard federalism or decentralization in unitary states either as ideological façades or as a direct reflection of external elites ' organization .
6 This campaign reinforces Moet & chandon 's position as the undisputed leader among champagnes and as a lasting symbol of luxury , at once authentic and appealing .
7 Photo CD is ideal for putting pictures into computers and as a low cost , photographic database .
8 Kitzler was also a provincial musician , but he was well versed in Beethoven 's compositional methods and as a working instrumentalist he seems to have been shrewdly aware of what the leading contemporary composers were up to .
9 He saw human beings not as a mass of contradictions but as a particular sort of person — a great nobleman or a poor scholar or a spotty-faced announcer from the BBC .
10 Now , the fact of a past service raises an implication that at the time it was rendered it was to be paid for , and , if it was a service which was to be paid for , when you get in the subsequent document a promise to pay , that promise may be treated either as an admission which evidences or as a positive bargain which fixes the amount of that reasonable remuneration on the faith of which the service was originally rendered .
11 Apart from this , he figures only briefly , in passing , in the Gospels and as a peripheral background character in Acts .
12 At first the EMCF was to be used merely as a way of recording transactions and as a temporary depository for the pooled reserve funds .
13 Mr Day was threatened with an injunction last year when he completed the final draft of his book , most of which deals with his career in the Royal Marines and as a civil servant during the Emergency in Malaya .
14 At Pilkingtons and Ford , benchmarking exercises were confined to manufacturing costs and work organization , whereas RX instigated a more profound organizational benchmarking , isolating competitive gaps in all aspects of organization not simply as a sporadic trigger exercise to prioritize change areas but as an on-going process .
15 These can be used for colds , ‘ flu , sinusitis , coughs and as a facial steam treatment ( page 76 ) .
16 He was the latest in a long line of seasoned golfers to contract the yips and as a direct result slumped to 51st place on the Order of Merit .
17 Aggressive species of hard corals and aggressive large anemones such as Carpet anemones are best therefore placed well away from other invertebrates and as a general rule the larger non-colonial forms of anemone should be kept to a minimum in the aquarium to avoid the survival of the fittest syndrome from taking over .
18 The only registration of properties are as lodging houses and as a medical facility .
19 It should , however , be used as a management tool both by officers and officials and as a clear statement to members of how their subscription to and interest in the sport are being expended .
20 Amsterdam Travel Service Ltd is part of a City Specialist Group that has been arranging holidays for over 36 years and as a Professional Tour Operator undertakes to act with thoroughly professional care in arranging your holiday .
21 A third , more general topic , is an assessment of Lord Balogh 's impact on economic policy both as an unofficial adviser to the Labour Party in the immediate postwar years and as an official adviser in the 1960s .
22 On the Continent the arbalest or crossbow was used extensively , and crossbowmen often formed an individual armoured unit , both for defensive purposes and as a serious threat to charging cavalry .
23 Its renewal is absolutely essential , not just as a clear message to the terrorists but as a vital part of our ability to safeguard the lives of our citizens .
24 Where the assumptions made about old age are negative they lead to ageism , which treats older people not as individuals but as a homogeneous group which can be discriminated against .
25 At first glance , it seems hardly necessary to make another film about Van Gogh ; but Maurice Pialat , who began his career in the late 1960s , has found a new approach by showing the artist not as a great figure of his times but as a tormented , talented painter living in a village among ordinary folk .
26 The college benefited greatly , not only from his gifts as an astute chairman of committees and as a calm and efficient administrator , but from the warmth of his personality .
27 In the sense of their access to political power it was not so much a case that women were ‘ returned ’ to the family since they had never really left it to go out to get power — rather they had traditionally exercised power , if at all , by virtue of their familial positions and as the public and private spheres were separated , women were left behind .
28 The crude drug was used to inhibit secretions by gastric glands and as an antispasmodic agent for treating intestinal colic .
29 A more productive starting point is provided by focusing on racism in the mainstream and seeing ‘ race ’ and racism not as fringe questions but as a volatile presence at the very centre of British politics , actively shaping and determining the history not simply of blacks , but of this country as a whole at a crucial stage in its development .
30 In the 1660s Henry Morgan , who had been recruited to help defend the islands , could be seen as the most outrageous of pirates or as a bold seadog who , in the course of active defence of the islands , led his men through extreme hardship to the capture of Panama , which was then brutally plundered .
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