Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] service [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All products or services or member companies must comply with the relevant British Standards , as well as the BSIA 's own Codes of Practice .
2 ( Growth rates of two per cent per annum , as experienced by Poland after 1978 , do not produce EEC-style sluggishness , but breakdowns in deliveries and services and factories unable to function for want of necessary parts . )
3 A PFA will also be able to advise on the products and services that Cornerstone , Abbey National 's estate agency , can offer customers who wish to move home .
4 I have been interested to learn more about the valuable work AEA Technology is doing on supplying technology world-wide through technical consultancy , technical products and services and engineering project management .
5 Aggregate demand = Aggregate supply Only when this condition is satisfied can we say that the total value of goods and services that households and the other economic agents want to buy is equal to the total value that firms want to produce .
6 Revenue from excise duties on home-produced goods and services and imports comes mainly from three sources : tobacco , alcoholic drinks and hydrocarbon oil ( predominantly petrol and diesel oil ) .
7 Government spending comprises spending on goods and services and transfer payments .
8 It was , however , almost certainly by such concessions , especially in the diverse world of consumer goods and services and agriculture — economic activity beyond the reach and competence of the command system — that communism cum socialism might have been saved .
9 The initial objective of the treaty was to remove within 12 years ( i.e. by 1969 ) all restrictions on the free movement of goods and services and individuals by removing taxation differentials , frontier controls and other forms of restriction .
10 This can be defined abstractly as the sum of values of both final goods and services and investment goods in a country .
11 A person who is mentally handicapped is just as much a member of society as anyone else and , like anyone who possesses a disability or impairment , is entitled not only to the same rights and services as society as a whole , but also to special needs and facilities which Britain , as a relatively affluent nation , should be able to provide for the care of disadvantaged people .
12 Examinations : Trade Finance — Payments and Services and Branch Banking — Lending and Marketing ( 47 minutes )
13 Examinations : Trade Finance — Payments and Services and Branch Banking — Lending and Marketing ( 32 minutes )
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