Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] give them some " in BNC.

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1 Mother also went with me to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury 's wife , Mrs Fisher , talk to young wives and give them some advice on the repair of their families after the separations many of them had suffered .
2 Do this to all your doors , not just the exterior ones , and treat any panes of glass in doors as though they were windows and give them some sort of double glazing .
3 Now , now that all was lost , lost too was the vanity of the bulging notebook , the diversity of material , the forward-looking pleasure of unpacking my treasures and giving them some kind of independent life .
4 By the time you 've bought them some cigarettes and given them some money for the pub and said well if there er and the car has n't got any petrol so you pay for ten pounds worth of petrol .
5 In his second year he was already marking the Greek essays of first-year students and giving them some classes , in order to raise money .
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