Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] when it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The series originated from various communities and when it reached the west coast I had to provide the script for a new show every seven days for ten weeks .
2 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
3 We were cramped in our hotel rooms and when it rained the water came in .
4 Until the 1820s it rose and fell over a succession of steep hills and deep valleys but when it became the London–Holyhead road sections were totally rebuilt by Thomas Telford .
5 Kolchinsky was used to the gentle ribbing he got from the operatives about his cost-cutting exercises but when it came to the crunch he would never put any of their lives at risk for the sake of the budget .
6 Each cell had its own stimulus requirements and when it became active this said something about the nature of the event or object in its own part of the visual field .
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