Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] get [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He said bankruptcy laws should allow a company just a year to restructure debts or get out of business .
2 In principle , they can fix their financial risks and get on with the job of dealing with the commercial ones .
3 And if it was important , to us and the country , why in the world were n't we snuffing out all those niggling grievances and getting on with the job of winning ?
4 When are the teachers going to stop being political animals and get down to teaching rather than try to score points off the Government ?
5 Now dry your eyes and get back to work . ’
6 Now , can we cut out the delaying tactics and get on with it ?
7 It does not matter whether the golden spike is hammered in somewhere in England or in France or in China , so long as we can make an arbitrary decision , stop arguing about words and get on with the much more difficult ( but much more rewarding ) task of correlation .
8 If either or both of her sons had decamped to the West , she 'd have shrugged her shoulders and got on with existence .
9 He pulled up in front of the stone steps and got out of the car .
10 If there is a possible area for a safe landing , use the brakes and get down into it .
11 Cancel the wedding or the holiday , sell the theatre/football/movie tickets , put the dog in kennels and get down to the Wembley Exhibition Centre … sharpish !
12 Some of the benefit came from a pick-up in the US music industry but chief executive Colin Southgate said he was cautious about sales prospects this year and wanted to continue tightening belts and getting out of fringe businesses .
13 And I 've seen Harry Lloyd and er Houdini what they call him you know , where he used to be all strapped in chains and get out of tanks and that .
14 As Vimla pirouetted , pulling her sari over her head in a parody of the Dance of the Seven Veils , Chaman Guru put down the cymbals and got down to the serious business of collecting money .
15 The Wise Woman would grit her teeth and get on with it , Eve told herself .
16 ‘ I suggest that we try to put our differences aside for the next few hours and get on with the business at hand . ’
17 Perhaps he ought to remember those days and get around to living up to the promise he made to the last Tory conference .
18 Stop your chops and get on with your dealing .
19 They were required to leave their beds and get out of the hostel by nine o'clock in the morning , and they were not expected to hang about any more until about five or more in the evening .
20 You just have to accept things and get on with your life . ’
21 We just have to accept these things and get on with it .
22 Finally , the back bones , who tackle the problems and get on with the work of solving them .
23 ‘ They smuggled drugs and used criminal ways to buy their dreams and get out of the system .
24 With the BaByliss BodyToner Plus you can treat yourself to wonderful massages and get back into shape at the same time .
25 Reacting to the killings , the Nobel Peace Prize winner , Desmond Tutu , the Anglican archbishop of Cape Town , said it demonstrated it was time for all South Africa 's politicians ‘ for goodness sake to get off your butts and get on with the business of getting a new constitution for this country .
26 Luckily for us he was too overcome to offer us refreshment , so we said our farewells and got back into the jeep and drove off along the road leading to the village of Breville .
27 If he 's been largely absent from the small screen for the last two years ( the South Bank Show spoof , Norbert Smith , was a revamp of an old idea ) , that 's because he 's unplugged the phone , taken time out with his two old drinking pals and got down to the serious business of mucking about .
28 British Rail has consistently argued that people will get off the channel tunnel trains and get on to one of the five underground lines going through King 's Cross station , and that that will somehow solve the problem of increased passenger traffic .
29 In other words , many executives in firms experiencing economic difficulties and who know from experience that the inspectorate mainly imposes administrative sanctions will calculate that their best interests lie in not conforming to factory health , safety , and welfare regulations ; instead they will gather their excuses and get on with the violations .
30 I had learnt how to take orders and get up in the morning since I had gone to boarding school at age seven .
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