Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [subord] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The episode is described by all the chroniclers and although their accounts differ in detail , the outlines are clear .
2 The episode is described by all the chroniclers and although their accounts differ in detail , the outlines are clear .
3 Are we meant to take it seriously ? premature babies are routinely taken from their mothers on the maternity ward into intensive care , or sterile areas , often for long periods and although their mothers might miss them , it would be thought sentimental to claim the opposite .
4 In his view Tom was being used as a pawn in the relationship between his parents and unless his parents did come to an arrangement whereby ‘ a more stable home situation ’ was provided , Tom would benefit from a residential school placement .
5 Her much celebrated affiliation with saxophonist Lester Young is affecting nor for any sentimental reasons but because their thoughts were so close in musical terms .
6 Most of the deaths were caused by drowning , but a number of victims were buried by landslides or when their houses collapsed .
7 The ideas were always Durance 's , he always initiated the paintings and when his hands permitted he carried out the work , but as he had become increasingly crippled the execution had been left more and more to his protégée .
8 She has been compelled by her ancestry to leave the sea and come to these beaches to breed , for seals are descended from land-living mammals and although their limbs have become efficient paddles and their bodies are streamlined for swimming , unlike whales and dolphins they have not yet evolved techniques that enable them to give birth at sea .
9 He was one of the community , he knew everyone , their backgrounds and where their sympathies lay .
10 In 1900 there were seven separate towns but as their populations increased the fields around them were covered by housing estates , making one vast urban area .
11 Many hard working people have lost their homes because they have lost their jobs or because their businesses have gone bust .
12 As Wright Mills observed in his critique , ‘ The Professional Ideology of Social Pathologists ’ : ‘ If the members of an academic profession are recruited from similar social contexts and if their backgrounds and careers are relatively similar , there is a tendency for them to be uniformly set for some common perspective ’ .
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