Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [noun sg] [prep] british " in BNC.

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1 Fishbourne ( Cunliffe 1971 ) is an important site here : although many of its mosaics are very early , and so outside the scope of this paper , it provides invaluable insights into the origins and development of British mosaics at a time ( c. 75 A.D. ) when the majority of designs were borrowings from the continent and native schemes were just emerging .
2 Although questions about the origins and nature of British culture are complex , school history can put shared inheritances in their historical context ; v ) to contribute to pupils ' knowledge and understanding of other countries and other cultures in the modern world .
3 It was , however , always hotter as a critique of British democracy and working-class participation , than it was in providing a careful analysis of interests and power in British politics .
4 The US State Department thought it time to look closely into the causes and extent of British criticism .
5 The period chosen was a critical one for the British economy , emerging from the difficulties of the post-War period and embarking on a major period of expansion which saw the increase of real wages and affluence in British society .
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