Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They often suffer deep feelings of guilt if their children fail to succeed , to make good relationships or to turn into responsible and law-abiding members of society .
2 There was a perpetual hum from the ground below , and occasional harsher metallic bangs and scrapes , and judders of thick silvery snakes that sped along faster than cars and disappeared into black holes in the ground .
3 When you pick up the rec , the , the hands it will actually take you through to the nearest police control room area now , if it 's on the M eleven then most of the calls will go into Chelmsford , our police headquarters , once you cross over the borders and go into Metropolitan area , then that goes up to the Scotland Yard in their control rooms .
4 This chapter attempts to answer these questions partly by reference to work in the field and in part through a review and analysis of works of fiction typically used as ‘ whole class readers ’ in the lower years of six secondary comprehensive schools and falls into two parts .
5 Just inside the double doors were the stairs having wide steps and divided into two by a centre well in which was a rack .
6 At the end of the second century , Montanism was a Spirit-centred movement which had great strengths but fell into terrible error because it lost sight of Jesus as the controlling factor in spirituality .
7 The legs also gave scope for embellishment ; they were turned into columns or bent into distinctive arch shapes with ball feet .
8 Woody herbs , like thyme , marjoram and winter savory stay green in all but the hardest winters and clip into tiny hedging .
9 Groups led by a company , such as NEC , an electronics firm , which have floated off old manufacturing subsidiaries and expanded into diverse new businesses by fostering affiliates .
10 The production has been staged in 44 countries and translated into 24 languages .
11 Some of the entries were illegible and others were written across the ruled lines and ran into each other , and they were all in scrawly handwriting , which she found very difficult to decipher .
12 Within a few years of Karak Eight Peaks ' fall the Night Goblins had settled permanently in the ruins and split into many tribes based around the adjoining mountains and the tunnels that ran beneath them .
13 Skin the fish , remove any bones and cut into bite-sized pieces .
14 The road from Ankh-Morpork to Chirm is high , white and winding , a thirty-league stretch of potholes and half-buried rocks that spirals around mountains and dips into cool green valleys of citrus trees , crosses liana-webbed gorges on creaking rope bridges and is generally more picturesque than useful .
15 1 Peel all the vegetables and cut into matchstick-sized pieces , keeping the beetroot chips to one side to stop the other vegetables turning pink .
16 After finishing cocktails and going into that gorgeous , lofty , airy dining-room , and especially getting a window table as we were lucky enough to , you have had the best of what they have to offer at the Ritz , considerable as this is .
17 Some will want to make available their whole houses and move into bed-and-breakfast themselves .
18 He was an investment banker and financier , in his early fifties , with contacts and influence into all reaches of Industry and Government .
19 Marketing 's task is to define the customer 's needs and wants , but it is up to the other departments to convert those needs and wants into practical reality .
20 The role is the first major link between Marketing and Production , being involved at the earliest possible stages of transforming customer needs and wants into practical possibilities .
21 We 're getting food like corn beef milk and flour and dividing into packages and taking into inaccessible places .
22 Heath wants to use the promise of riches from the blood products to maintain his large-scale funding of research in British universities and to expand into mass production of the products of that research ( the job which Genentech wants to do for factor VIII ) .
23 He says I always comes because it 's a celebration of botany and of what people can do if they believe in plants and reach into that wonderful genetic stock of plants and create all these things — that 's why I come .
24 We have to get outside our human perceptions and enter into another world .
25 Meredith hastily curbed her natural friendliness , reminding herself that she was n't at home now , gossiping to strangers and leaping into any car that came down the lane .
26 One of the main outcomes of all this introspection was the setting up of an environmental and communities department to translate Roddick 's beliefs and concerns into practical projects .
27 Even when brains are being removed from their dead owners and implanted into living people , or fiends from outer space being fought to a standstill , nine times out of ten the magic weapon is the result of dubious chemistry .
28 McAllister 's stunning volley captivated millions of Match of the Day viewers and brought into sharp focus the mystery of his goal drought .
29 Section 238 enables the court , in prescribed circumstances , to make orders restoring the original position where a company has made gifts or entered into other transactions at an undervalue .
30 Mr Coulter said : ‘ It is becoming clear that building societies are pursuing their own interests by rescheduling loans or entering into shared ownership agreements , rather than biting the bullet of low interest loans to housing associations . ’
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