Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] them down " in BNC.

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1 Dad marched over , pulled my hands out of my ears and forced them down to my sides .
2 ‘ The basic idea is that you jump towards them , scoop up their legs and take them down hard , ’ she explained .
3 We and i it 's , when we had sprouts it used to get its hind legs and pull them down and start ploughing at them .
4 Now she 'll transmit in code every hour , on the hour , and you 'll read those signals and write them down then give a receipt .
5 Nor could you just shut your eyes and throw them down the hatch ; because the whole pleasure of a chicken 's foot would come from sucking and nibbling it slowly , seeking out the tasty skin and the fragments of flesh like the last moments of a particularly luscious spare rib .
6 As Floy and Snodgrass watched in silence , the Elms stretched out their hard , lichen-crusted branches and brought them down on the prisoner 's shoulders and thighs , at the place where the skin had started to tear .
7 These powerful mountain-dwelling Elves leapt among the Naggarothi assassins and chopped them down with their great axes , saving Caledor 's life .
8 Up in the chestnut branches girls and boys were clambering about , hitting at the spiked green conkers and knocking them down on to the heads below .
9 Noise had become Ariel 's lot : she , who had lifted her feet and put them down again so quietly on the slopes that birds did not stir at her passing , was used to hearing a single song in her head at any one time .
10 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
11 First came the minstrels , yelling war songs , and when they had finished they tore off their mantles and threw them down before the Empress , saying now that they had fought for her such clothes were no longer worthy of them and would she give them new ones ?
12 Sarah went round the room , picking up objects and putting them down again .
13 I filled up cardboard boxes with its contents and took them down to the local charity shop .
14 The children then have to find the hiding places and write them down .
15 Wishing hard to avoid the carved arches , I invited all manner of alternatives and shot them down one by one as unsuitable .
16 Would he really let rhinoceroses out of cages so they charged people in the suburbs and trampled them down and ate them alive ?
17 At eighteen it 's so easy to romanticise things and put them down in a song .
18 Shortly before the vote Saddam Hussein had made a speech broadcast by Baghdad radio , asserting that if war came Iraq would fight with a heroism which would fill every Arab and Moslem with pride , and , more specifically , that Iraq had the means to detect US stealth bombers and shoot them down like any other enemy aircraft .
19 And so they went on , making suggestions and turning them down , and the evening passed with incredible speed .
20 The fresh air hit him and he sucked in lungfuls and drank them down .
21 And this is the bit where I said you need to sit with your partner and all , and really think about what your objectives and write them down .
22 Once on the ferry , Amanda and he had gone to the snack-bar and eaten prepacked sausage rolls and washed them down with beer ; she seemed to be able to drink quantities without degenerating into giggles like one or two earlier companions .
23 I remember he was fascinated about the Nilson murders , the man who cut up bodies and melted them down in his garden . ’
24 For this take young supple stems and bend them down to the soil .
25 The sheet had embroidery in gold around its border , and Turakina began to inspect it section by section , snipping at loose threads or stitching them down .
26 Cornelius threw up his hands and brought them down amidst a torrent of hair .
27 He reached towards her with his strong hands and pressed them down on the fine-boned structure of her shoulders , massaging with rhythmic , kneading movements .
28 He found some more dregs of many different drinks and tossed them down .
29 So how does pancreatic lipase , an enzyme that knocks around in the essentially aqueous environment of the small intestine , get to grips with fats and oils and break them down into the glycerol and fatty acids that are readily absorbed by the lining of the gut ?
30 On return to the farm in the late afternoon there was likely to be a further round of gossip and conversation while grooming the horses and bedding them down for the night .
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