Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] them out " in BNC.

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1 The opportunity and the time to just talk to some kids and sound them out … or y' know , listen to what they 've got to say — have the time to do that .
2 It 's all to do with squashing up waves and spreading them out . ’
3 It 's , it 's for setting goals and working them out and so on .
4 By promoting economic aspects and bringing them out into the open for everyone to see , we are contributing towards better informed decisions on the part of prescribers and policy makers alike . ’
5 ‘ I used to just swot up on learning the key words and churning them out computer fashion , but now I am more interested in what they mean .
6 But although she tried to speak , actually tried to form words and force them out of her mouth , no words came .
7 She took her arms away from round her kids ' shoulders and held them out for him .
8 Similarly , importing a bitmapped graphic in any of the variety of formats DW1.2 supports gives the opportunity to use the very simple tracing tool to trace only selected shapes and pick them out of the bitmap — the second screenshot shows the Windows 3.1 window being picked out of the 3.1 opening logo screen .
9 There is still , I am sure , of specific areas and you have to highlight those areas and get them out of the way .
10 B has to try to find the keys and get them out of the circle before being hit by A. If the Keeper hits B s/he wins .
11 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
12 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
13 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
14 They tip out the ashtrays , swill unfinished drinks from plastic cups , rootle through the waste-paper baskets and empty them out .
15 ‘ There 's a difference between cleaning your nails and pulling them out , ’ one civil servant said .
16 Halfway through the night , they decided they needed to know , went out on to the landing , groped around but in desperation had to go back to their room , pee in their shoes and empty them out of the window !
17 The hardened regulars were very interested in two fresh-faced , possible comrades and singled them out .
18 If this is not possible batteries should not be pulled out as hooked terminal segments may catch the springs and pull them out ( ruining the contact and rendering a none-too-cheap dealer repair necessary ) .
19 So you were in for ten minutes and rushed them out and out again then
20 This time , I 'll try and make up minutes and get them out , cos it helps I think .
21 From the centre he took the flat velour package of gems and held them out .
22 it 's not like putting pennies on the table and counting them , put twelve pennies on and share them out between three people , no problem , but you put three pennies and share them out between twelve people .
23 Now we fasten pinecones to the dahlia sticks and shake them out every few days .
24 He lit a cheroot , opened the drawer of a walnut table , took out some plans and spread them out in front of me .
25 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
26 You could cut me in a thousand pieces and lay them out on the street .
27 Unlike the days of old when typography and design were learned over generations , desktop publishing has provided a fast track where we can take ideas and try them out to see if they work .
28 And the reason there 's only ever one , is that dominant male will not tolerate the presence of other males and drives them out .
29 She allowed Margaret Seymour-Strachey to bring in the tea things and set them out on the bedside table without speaking further .
30 Did the elderly have minds like old wardrobes stuffed to overflowing with useless memories and take them out sometimes and look at them and ask themselves why they were there ?
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