Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , where labour is either particularly demanding or is not in itself particularly fulfilling or interesting one could reasonably say it is in the interests of the workers concerned to work short hours and/or work at a relatively low intensity of labour .
2 It would stretch round the equator 97 times or reach to the moon and back five times .
3 Perhaps there is some activity you have often thought you would try ‘ sometime ’ : Is now the opportunity to begin dog-training , Jogging , meditation , writing to The Times or writing for the radio ?
4 As Bauer put it in a recent BBC television discussion of covert recognition , ‘ Our normal experience of perception , of seeing objects or faces as an all or none process , is a trick that the brain plays on us ’ .
5 Such costs will either be absorbed on a pro rata basis into the cost of existing projects or charged to the overhead accounts .
6 They may , for example ( to paraphrase the original submission ) either broaden their areas of study in order to learn the principles and methods of several disciplines or concentrate on a more extensive study of a single discipline .
7 The success of the small claims system in these courts has shown that simplified procedures can enable people to conduct their own cases or rely on a lay adviser .
8 Ectopic varices , defined as varices arising in sites other than the oesophagus or cardia of the stomach , may develop spontaneously following endoscopic obliteration of oesophageal varices or occur as a result of surgery and subsequent adhesion formation .
9 As a result , you may have little practical alternative but to agree to increased working hours or to work in a different area , despite the fact that the contract does not provide for such things , if they are commercially necessary from the point of view of the business .
10 According to a report in the Montreal Gazette the statues had been ‘ tampered with ’ in this way on several occasions , and the newspaper felt that they should be raised beyond the reach of pranksters or removed to an inside guarded site .
11 There are presently around 600 active volcanoes on the continents or exposed above the sea as islands .
12 The students may measure the cans or refer to the information sheet for dimensions .
13 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
14 Telling a story means making what is false ( or at least largely invented ) seem true , so ‘ realism ’ ( a term hard to define but impossible to avoid ) becomes a crucial yardstick of success , a measure of whether the film wins or loses in the game of make-believe , which may also be the serious game of box-office success or failure ( though this in turn relates only erratically to the quality of a film in general or its SFX in particular ) .
15 Not to play with the twins , not for solace or scraps or to complain about the social security man , but simply to be a nuisance since being a nuisance was his way : to say again that he was the child of Miss Lavant .
16 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns with the tape or Handbook .
17 ‘ After he passed you , did you notice whether he went into one of the houses or continued down the hill ? ’
18 It frequently happens that a daughter lives with a widowed parent for 20 years or more ; if the parent changes council houses or moves from the private sector to a council house within one year of the death of the parent then on the death of the parent the council house will be the home which contains all the furniture and other articles which form part of the home and have been fitted into the council house by the parent and the daughter .
19 It 's cramped if there are four of you , but the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed — neighbours popping in to borrow a cup of sugar or a 50p coin for the electricity meter , children running along the balconies or playing on the thin strip of grass between the blocks .
20 • For minor burns and scalds , cool by holding the affected area under cold running water for ten minutes or immersing in a bowl of cold water .
21 The customers were all men , heavily robed , standing in groups or leaning on the counter with no apparent desire to be served .
22 The risks involved in entering new markets , new sectors or using new processes can be externalized or shared within conglomerate groups or underwritten by the state on behalf of society .
23 Whitty and Jones 's analysis stands or falls on the meaning of health , whether health services have an impact on health , and on the central functions of public health medicine .
24 This is a provision which is usually inserted , since , once an order has been placed , it becomes a separate contract , with a life of its own , and stands or falls on the terms and conditions which govern it .
25 Product orientation — in this case the organization stands or falls by the quality of its products .
26 Marble galls are still to be found now , attached to twigs or fallen among the leaf-litter , each with a minute 1mm hole from which the tiny cynipid wasp has emerged .
27 In the Guidance ( vol 1 , para 4.63 ) it is suggested that assessments be undertaken by professionals agreed between the parties or selected by the guardian ad litem .
28 First , the draftsman may provide for the substitution of a different index to be agreed between the parties or determined by a third party in default of agreement .
29 Rather they preferred to farm them out at a fixed rent , at leases which , in the fourteenth century , became progressively longer , and to enjoy the freedom to take up offices or to serve in the army .
30 We still work in the same building , so we 'll often pop into each other 's offices or talk on the phone , although Peter often blips me on my computer .
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