Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [noun] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Second , there is a tendency to opt for dreams rather than direct manifestations or visions when there is any room for doubt in the text of the Gospel .
2 Sometimes he would interpret my involvement in discussions or groups as me being ‘ got at ’ by outside influences .
3 And they will adjust their foundations or powders until they match your skin exactly .
4 Note that LIFESPAN only checks the first three items ( Issue identifier , Product identifier/title , Client identifier/title ) and inserts missing titles or identifiers once you have entered information for all three items .
5 There 's no record of any shipments or thefts so we 're obviously dealing with a professional outfit . ’
6 In such cases the competition can usually respond by introducing similar products or services if they so wish , and where they do , the price is forced down and technical improvements are rapidly introduced to maintain leadership .
7 Maybe it was the emptiness of the land that attracted them : there were no reptiles , birds or mammals so it was a comparatively safe place for them .
8 if we 'd got any young brothers or sisters if we wanted we could take them with us , fine , so I said to me brother Vic who 's three years younger than me
9 ‘ They were mainly people with offices or garages although I had one or two with large country houses . ’
10 Similarly , you should not just look at the eyes or ears when there may be a problem here .
11 She can not guess at his anxieties or burdens because she has never encouraged him to talk about them or found time to stop whatever she was doing and listen .
12 Look critically at your environment , at your home and place of work and at the halls or rooms where you may have to attend meetings .
13 There was n't any time to repulse him either with words or actions as his seeking mouth found her tender lips .
14 Ignore , for the moment , the fact that many modern word-processors can check your spelling , punctuation and grammar , and that some can suggest alternate words or phrases when your ideas dry up .
15 This is the spirit in which people are now collecting the details of new genes , and of new nucleotide sequences to go with them ; new proteins and their amino-acid sequences ; and novel membrane protein molecules , channels or receptors as they may be .
16 It may be months or years before his work today makes an impact : in the case of a project failure it may never do so .
17 Animals with much simpler ears and brains than us can reduce the problem further by only responding to very narrow frequency bands .
18 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
19 In the short text the account of the Crucifixion and the meditator 's awareness of his own sin come to a climax in an outpouring of lyrical prose which has been printed as verse though it seems more effective if the surge of the rhymes and the alliterative cadences rise within the very structure of the prose like great waves to break in the bitter realisation that it is the meditator 's sin which both nails Christ to the cross and blocks the free expression of love in himself : All the internal rhyme , play on words ( ) and alliteration , which intensify the sense of the meditator 's awareness of both the creative power of God " king of " and the impotence of all his own functions , are lost in the long version which omits much of the intense self-disgust present in the short : The emphasis on Christ as the source of life and creativity is similarly highlighted in the short version in the skilful use made of rhyme , cadence and monosyllabic , strong-stressed ends of sentences to graphically convey the moment when he dies and the created cosmos fails : These effects are lost in the prosaic longer version : In both versions the meditator contemplates the appalling inversion of the created order with its lord suffering greater deprivation than the foxes and birds as he hangs " in eyre " ( 88. cf.101 ) with nowhere to lay his head — a reference to Matthew 8:20 traditionally used to emphasise the poverty of God embraced at the Incarnation .
20 Many older Shetlanders lay great stress on a boom and bust theory of history : according to this theory Shetland and Dunrossness have experienced booms in the past , but they have always had to revert to traditional lifestyles and industries when they pass .
21 Such old people may have little embarrassment with each other about bodily functions , perhaps less than some husbands and wives because they were the stuff of taken-for-granted childhood .
22 The product is a convenient reference standard for demulsifier manufacturers and users as it overcomes the drawbacks of variability , opacity and flammability encountered with crude oil .
23 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
24 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
25 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
26 Then , work on your calves and ankles so you are ready to concentrate on more advanced leg exercises .
27 Only last year we saw how building workers who left the Union of Construction , Allied Trades and Technicians when its leadership fell into the hands of the far left were prevented from joining the General , Municipal and Boilermakers union , even after the GMB had indicated that it would welcome them .
28 After 5 days in Rotorua we went south to Taupo , a disappointing touristy place except for a lovely walk to the Huka Falls beside the crystal-clear , swirling waters of the Waikato River , and a visit to Cherry Island ( in the river ) where you are warmly greeted by numerous tame animals and birds as you roam around .
29 This unity in the Spirit bridges the gap between Jews and Gentiles once they become Christians ( Eph. 2:15 ) and breaks down the hostility between men of different col-ours and backgrounds .
30 Crackling , gushing smoke stung eyes and nose until he was forced from cover .
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