Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [that] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , one is struck by the importance of such factors as : vocal quality — this is Billie Holiday and could not be anyone else ; phrasing — that is , the way she places accents , alters the rhythm , often by stretching out notes so that they sound behind the beat instead of on it , and joins notes together , for example smoothly or with attacked consonants ; and pitch inflection — the way she sometimes slides up to or away from notes , hits them slightly ‘ off-pitch ’ , and so on .
2 It was the introduction of pulsation into their forms so that they appeared to swell and contract rhythmically .
3 After training sessions , keep any literature or handouts together with the forms so that you build up your own references to guide you .
4 Thus , these subcultures respectively enable corporate officials and lower-class adolescent males to commit crimes without too many pangs of conscience ; through their sanitizing prism , each sub-culture softens criminal acts so that they assume the appearance of ‘ not really ’ being against the law , or it transforms them into acts required by a morality higher than that enshrined in a parochial criminal law .
5 Slowly she discovered tricks of the trade such as weighting her hems so that they did n't blow up in a breeze and she gradually acquired a coterie of designers , including Catherine Walker , David Sassoon and Victor Edelstein , whom she now relies upon .
6 ( 5 ) They provide a basis for discussion and elucidation at meetings so that they appear less like lectures to convey information and more like collaborative discussion .
7 This may help to activate your skin 's natural defences so that you have slightly more natural protection on the first few days of exposure .
8 We shall begin our investigation of how causative verbs interact with the infinitive in English by looking at the contrast between make and cause because , although these two verbs seem quite similar in meaning , they are not followed by the same form of the infinitive : ( 134 ) While most enzymes can not make a reaction occur that would not take place in their absence , they speed up reactions so that they occur at the temperatures and other conditions which prevail within living organisms .
9 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
10 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
11 Willie turned back to look at the comics so that he missed the surprised expression on his face .
12 Specialist sectors are identified and firms either decide to concentrate on one or two of these or arrange their activities so that they cover the whole range of sectors .
13 Clearly this would only be the case if the company was perceived as an entity distinct from its shareholders so that it followed that the company and not the shareholders would be liable for any debts .
14 There is quite an art in scattering the pennies so that they do not hurt the children .
15 We counsel people if they are in debt to other organisations as well as ourselves we offer money advice to help them to manage their debts so that they pay off all the debts at
16 The ball raised approximately £40,000 for the Time Walker Education Endowment Fund , which will provide education for future generations so that they understand the vital importance of conservation .
17 The process of modifying these bold early sketches so that they match experience takes a lifetime .
18 Enhancement techniques spread the range of pixel values so that they cover the full dynamic range of the image display system .
19 Flexing his fingers so that they popped with the cold , he looked around tensely .
20 It was painted pink and surrounded by white , wooden palings so that it looked like an overgrown doll 's house .
21 Even if you b I I I would imagine that many of you , based on the notes alone that you 've got from here , without any reading , would probably get through So , you 've got nothing to worry about as long as you do the work .
22 In general , however , we have , as in Equation ( 3.4 ) and its analogues , a spectrum of relaxation times so that we write Two assumptions are now usually made .
23 The aim is to keep the boat flat at all times so that it glides cleanly over the water .
24 Here I want to vary the times so that I hear from a true cross-section of our listeners , and those who listen to the graveyard shift , for instance , probably never hear the breakfast show .
25 ‘ They sent two of our men off — and then they played for an extra ten minutes so that they had a chance to equalise . ’
26 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
27 Okay so that 's about paralinguistics about the way we use the voice in a presentation and the way we chose the words so that we have effective communication with our audience .
28 " There 's only ever been one other person , " I said , stumbling over the words so that they sounded false even to me .
29 Robyn gripped the fountain until her knuckles whitened and spoke with a great deal of effort , concentrating on forming her words so that they did n't sound slurred .
30 People can write words so that they look like other words , or do n't look like any word at all , so the correct word can only be found from the surrounding words in context .
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