Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge .
2 It 's expected to take two months just to identify and catalogue the antiques so they can be matched with items reported stolen.Two men are helping police with their inquiries .
3 Blinking her eyes rapidly to try and clear her head , Sarah said , ‘ Come inside and I 'll go and look . ’
4 The proposal , submitted by Mid-Hants Railway plc , will give a group of enthusiasts somewhere to store and repair old buses and coaches .
5 Press the corners together to seal and leave to rise .
6 He commented ‘ Advanced computer software plays an important part in helping oil and gas reservoir engineers both to assess and devise exploitation strategies for oil field reserves .
7 Millions of other Americans — mainly those living in rural areas , in institutions , and in certain housing estates — will have personal visits from census-takers either to deliver or pick up the forms .
8 It may make spotting each other at games easier too ( cluthing at straws here to try and justify it ) .
9 Helen Harrison-Hall went to Allen and Overy eight years ago to train and has worked there ever since .
10 The approach was collaborative : teachers were invited to work with the team as equal partners in the attempts both to investigate and find solutions to the GIST problem .
11 All the indications are that man 's efforts successfully to modify and refine the product of the evolutionary process by the introduction of civilisation , have been almost destroyed by the tangled mass of religious absurdity and rubbish which he has allowed to enter into it , and reduce it to but a tragic travesty of what it should be .
12 The converse of barriers to entry are barriers to exit : it may cost firms more to quit than to stay in the market .
13 The company 's approach is intended to enable network managers simply to define and re-define virtual local networks so that teams within a company can be brought together electronically and then disbanded , irrespective of geographic location .
14 They swam like long rubbery strip-lights through the water 's gentle currents , and kept the rooms , corridors and towers of the castle bathed in a silky , pervasive light which sometimes made distances hard to measure and gave the air a thick sort of look .
15 Many systems make some questions easier to ask and answer , particularly where the structure of these matches the design of the database .
16 Although they all have powers either to initiate or recommend criminal prosecution , they are primarily designed to be regulatory bodies whose main weapon against corporate misbehaviour is administrative , i.e. ( occasional ) inspection coupled with ( polite ) correspondence .
17 She would be lodged in the royal palace within the Tower , with servants a-plenty to serve and chaperon her .
18 I soon learned to say as little as possible , meanwhile doing my best to cultivate a London or ‘ Cockney ’ accent , which my parents took great pains both to prevent and to correct .
19 There were large variations in the systems ( Pahl , 1989 ) used by the households both to manage and control their income ( see Gillian Parker 's chapter here ) .
20 Additional awards are not common as they are only made on top of the basic and compensatory awards in cases where the employer has failed to comply with earlier orders either to reinstate or re-engage an employee .
21 So they used their superior laser beams mostly to sting and scorch and put surplus scumniks and techs to flight .
22 The aim of the pub is to give the residents of the homes and the villagers of Tarrington and surrounding hamlets somewhere to meet and enjoy themselves .
23 Further , self-evaluation was found to be most profitably focused in departments and on those structures which brought departments together to develop and evaluate whole-school policies .
24 The AFBD , and probably the LME , will dodge the issue by leaving members separately to decide whether to apply for exemption .
25 The House of Representatives adjourned to enable Congressmen either to watch or to march in the procession of delegates past the east front of the Capitol .
26 Mr Whitnall reported teaching staff ‘ dismayed ’ by the service from the trade , with titles hard to identify and evaluate and frequently no obvious source of supply for students if texts were recommended .
27 Willis is at pains to point out , however , that this breaking of rules not only relies on having the rules there to break but ensures that ‘ the lads ’ condemn themselves to the worst jobs once they have left school .
28 There are many forms of emission charges which may be used to provide economic incentives to polluters either to reduce or cease their pollution , including sales taxes on fuels or fuel ingredients : for example , Norway introduced fuel taxes in 1971 whereby a basic tax is levied on each unit of oil , together with an additional charge which increases for each 0.5 per cent of its sulphur content .
29 He said Mr Lamont declared in last year 's Budget he had ‘ no need , no proposals and no plans either to raise or to extend the scope of VAT ’ .
30 So was Mr Lamont in last year 's , pre-election , Budget : ‘ I have no need , no proposals and no plans either to raise or to extend the scope of VAT . ’
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