Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
2 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
3 Tau-Taus , together with textiles and carved panels , are amongst the Toraja 's artistic products most coveted by ethnographic collectors .
4 Triadic harmony , which may have originated in oral practice ( improvised parallel singing ) , was for good reasons highly developed in notated music but remains fundamental to most recorded music .
5 Island-hopping by coconut timber dhotis is the way the natives travel ; for guests to the Maldives this opens up a world of coves gently lapped by crystal-clear waters , underwater coral mazes and watersporting opportunities — alternatives to basking on the shores of an isolated stretch of sand .
6 SCHOOLCHILDREN in a pit village are experiencing first hand the Victorian values much loved by certain politicians .
7 The ornaments recovered from Neolithic cemeteries in the Rhine and Danube basins show that the shells most favoured for personal adornment were those of the mussel Spondylus gaederopus from which were fashioned necklaces , pendants and bracelets .
8 Students , colleagues , passers-by all faded into deceptive distances .
9 They traversed sooty halls so crammed with long-dead machinery as to be mazes in themselves .
10 With almond-shaped eyes thickly outlined in black she looked from one face to another , Mada Joyce , appreciating the situation immediately , pulled Martha forward .
11 The under-21s were without John Stannard , their number one short corner specialist , whose car broke down en route , but they managed comfortable wins in the regional qualifiers with goals all scored from open play .
12 Their inspectors merely called for visual inspections and dye penetrant checks , as opposed to the ultrasonic testing called for in the UK .
13 The amendments included an increase in the maximum duration of joint ventures from 20 to 70 years and authorization of the opening of overseas bank accounts by joint venture companies ; in addition tax concessions already provided to joint ventures were extended to selected wholly foreign-owned investment projects .
14 Thackeray ‘ s The Virginians and The Newcomes handsomely bound in three-quarter morocco gilt and in half-calf gilt , in each case with marbled sides ; impressive , but not worth nearly as much as the humble original parts in paper wrappers .
15 And lastly , but by no means least , are the tsunami effects , vast tidal waves usually generated by undersea earthquakes : those tsunami have been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people at a time when they struck low-lying coastal areas . ’
16 On this model the local authority would be left with a limited number of central staff concerned to monitor and regulate service delivery organized by private concerns — for example , in street cleaning and refuse disposal — or undertaken by autonomous voluntary agencies — such as housing associations or schools directly managed by elected governors .
17 For centuries the argument continued without any real evidence on either side , but in 1803 the British chemist and physicist , John Dalton , pointed out that the fact that chemical compounds always combined in certain proportions could be explained by the grouping together of atoms to form units called molecules .
18 A wry , self-mocking smile playing about her mouth , her eyes still riveted on thick dark hair , she asked absently , ‘ So who is he , this man who follows unknown women ?
19 Ford claims the new versions of the Ford Escort and the Mercury Tracer are the cleanest-running cars ever approved for mass production in the world .
20 This is n't the first Selecta Fiat , the concept has been used on Unos for some years and Fiat assures me that these automatics are dramatically improved from the older designs still used by other manufacturers .
21 An elegant and weary young woman appears at the door , dressed in a short maroon cocktail dress , her eyes slightly smudged by old pencil , her hair loose about her shoulders .
22 So shocking was the defeat that some of Levi 's supporters openly called for mass resignation from the Likud and the formation of their own independent list .
23 I was brought up in one myself , but it is true that girls on the whole do better in the subjects traditionally regarded as male subjects in single sex schools .
24 ‘ For example , a decreasing number of persons still object to locally based provisions for mentally handicapped people because understandably their picture of the latter is bounded by bizarre and frightening images often associated with traditional mental handicap hospitals …
25 The light was not on in his room behind him , and from outside Mr Wolski might have seemed no more than an insubstantial shape , the reds and blues of his pyjamas now turned into grim black stripes against white , such as some of the prisoners in Nazi death camps of the Second World War had worn .
26 His own contribution comprises a full-page crucifixion , historiated and ornamental initials , and elaborate borders densely populated with biblical scenes , angels , ‘ portrait ’ heads , scenes of courtly life , drolleries , and representations of flora and fauna both conventionalized and naturalistic .
27 By contrast with diamonds , which were too hard to be ground smooth and could only be mounted as natural crystals until medieval lapidaries had learned how to cut them , coloured transparent stones continued to be shaped by the time honoured methods originally devised for opaque stones .
28 Once requisitioned , vessels originally built for commercial purposes had to be adapted for military ones .
29 In the towns and industrial villages the early preachers often met with violent opposition and their reverses sometimes caused them to abandon their efforts .
30 The windows were mere arrow-slits now blocked by wooden shutters ; the air was so damp with a pervasive chill that Queen Margaret insisted fires be lit in her rooms before she retired for the night .
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