Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] i was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 British Aerospace was brilliant , as long as I had , I had a good reason to go away they 'd give me , they said they 'd pay for , I mean one year I did six weeks away paid and then anot another year I did two months non pay and I still kept me job , that 's when I went up the for two months all I was just labour doing it then .
2 About six months ago I was very cross with a colleague who had , in my opinion , acted irresponsibly .
3 It 's you know and my pride was getting a little bit dented that I 'd been selling market for years suddenly I was n't doing this .
4 No name was mentioned at the time , and ten days later I was formally charged with manslaughter .
5 Haines assured me that everything at his end would remain secret , but a few years later I was both surprised and vexed to find that he had retailed the story in his memoirs without any indication of his pledge of confidentiality .
6 A couple of years ago I was n't bothered who knew .
7 Tom West , head of Data General 's Advanced Systems Development Group claims that DG 's lonely advocacy of the 88000 RISC ‘ is not a problem — two or three years ago I was more worried about the decision than I am now ’ .
8 About 12 years ago I was there for four months , and it was 16 weeks too long .
9 For many years afterwards I was naturally very wary of any dog and , although I soon learnt not to run away , as this would only make them run after me , I never willingly approached them .
10 Ten minutes later I was back in the changing-room on my mobile bed wolfing tea and sandwiches , parts of which would eventually find their way into my now polypless colon .
11 Ten minutes later I was down on the private beach .
12 During my first hours there I was severely tortured .
13 And and the write up in one of the papers well I was well I 'd to tell that guy if he 's watching I can ya nip !
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