Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , despite Bair 's desire to produce a ‘ coherent , cohesive unity ’ , de Beauvoir emerges with contradictions intact — at times an intimidating woman , excessively rational , inflexible and intolerant , and at other times extremely naive and lacking in confidence .
2 The chapter ends with some suggestions for strengthening teams through team-building as a way to maximize the clear advantages of team cohesion and minimize the regressive behaviours common in groups especially those that arise from cross-cultural differences .
3 His shows are serious and grown-up , by his lights , and they certainly have storylines so odd as to make The Ring look like a sit-com .
4 Thus I saw at first hand the developing excitement within the scientific community on two continents as thousands of us changed research programmes literally overnight and attempted to replicate the phenomenon .
5 Bon Jovi never did dirty their songs with real spunk , anger or despair , on in fact any emotion that was n't packaged up in stadium size , third-hand slogans with melodies so open and bare they sound as if they 've caught sunstroke in the New Jersey heat , and nothing 's changed .
6 They make their heads less head-like and wear false eyes on their tails .
7 For lower b values ( provided persists as line fragments less connected than shown here , or as scattered small oscillators ( ’ D-blinkers ' ) .
8 The latter are shapes so memorable that knowing they exist matters more than actually seeing them .
9 ARE Soaps just right or do you think we need more fun ?
10 In early summer , lilacs finally open and release their heady perfume .
11 However amenable to overseas influence Boiotia may have been in the prehistoric period ( p. 83 ) , classical , fourth-century and hellenistic Boiotia was in many respects deeply conservative and introverted .
12 Occasional letters and photographs would come from Terry Anderson , an AP journalist captured in 1985 ; the face grew more haggard , the eyes more accusing and staring .
13 Module 4 demands more specialised or focused activities and the learner is called upon to act as an intermediary for the first time .
14 Her eyes still sluggish but indicating : go on .
15 For a moment he searched her face , looking for something , and then he seemed to find it , whatever he was searching for , for with a half-smile , his eyes still open and fixed on her face , he entered her .
16 For a long time she imagined she might open the door and see the body of her mother , stretched out in death on her bed , her arms folded across her chest , her eyes still open and staring at the ceiling .
17 Emily was rolling almost rhythmically from side to side in the bed with her arms crossed over her breasts and her eyes wide open and staring .
18 The financial markets may be in retreat and the pound may be on a slippery slope , but it 's not just the insolvency practitioners and bailiffs that are doing well ; some companies in sectors as diverse as retailing , restaurants and medical equipment are also doing more than just make ends meet .
19 Two beggar children , arms and legs as thin as sticks , stood beside a brazier singing a carol .
20 The boy , arms and legs as thin as sticks , his eyes dark and round in a long , white face , came over , his thumb stuck in his mouth .
21 Henry Yaxlee said that on Friday night he 'd done the accounts till quite late , made a round of the stables about eleven-thirty and gone to bed soon after .
22 Even for trajectories as low as varying C L over the range 10 -3 –1 changes the altitude at which a Tunguska-sized stony asteroid airbursts by only 1% .
23 Any agent worth his salt knew that promotion under Postelnicu depended upon satisfying the minister 's whims as much as doing his proper job well .
24 The Countess jabbed her walking cane in the direction of a girl with bright gold ringlets and eyes as radiant as sapphires .
25 She had eyes as blue as cornflowers — ’
26 Numerous collections were published , some with tunes only , some for ( usually ) four voices , with melodies either original or adapted from plainsong or popular song .
27 But Duncan was n't too sure what that green stuff was so he closed his baby dinosaur lips tight shut and shook his head .
28 So Duncan closed his baby dinosaur lips tight shut and shook his head .
29 Claire opened her eyes very wide and sat very still .
30 He opened his eyes very wide and leaned towards her .
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