Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] have to [be] " in BNC.

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1 As with all small units you have to be wary of war machines and magic .
2 The sad truth is to tackle these subjects you have to be more than just willing , you have to be shite-hot .
3 To qualify for travel concessions you have to be 60 and will have to give proof by showing your pension book or a special card .
4 To create illusions you have to be careful about the details .
5 When the stumps only come up to your knees you have to be larger than life .
6 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
7 Against Elves you have to be careful of the fear rule , as Goblins fear units of Elves they do n't outnumber two to one .
8 These days you have to be lucky .
9 But even with poems we have to be careful .
10 I could n't I was , you know I think when you go to those things you have to be in it .
11 NB : To buy these wines you have to be a member of the Wine Society .
12 It literally , it literally means produce the body only you ca n't simply , well the difference between a constitutional system and er an arbitrary government is that in arbitrary governments people get arrested and disappear , locked up , throw away the key and worry about it the next generation or after the next er military coup or whatever but in a constitutional government there have to be procedures and one of the safeguards of individual liberty is that if you 're ever arrested and detained by law enforcement agencies you have to be produced before a court within a specified period and charged with something .
13 When parents become involved in sibling arguments they have to be very careful not make the situation worse rather than better .
14 At other times they have to be ‘ seeded ’ , either by particles of dust or by small crystals dropped in from elsewhere .
15 Altogether , the Drummond House workforce sip their way 22,000 cuppas each week which means there are so many empties they have to be carted off by lorry at regular intervals .
16 There 's no doubt that to operate these schemes you have to be a sensitive lender . ’
17 When making erotic statements with clothes we have to be aware of existing stereotypes .
18 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
19 I start with the defendant 's first two points , that is to say , if there are to be side letters they have to be incorporated into the main agreement , and these were not incorporated .
20 Because I know the scouts do the Tesco one and whenever they are put in these cardboard boxes they have to be sorted so somebody must sort them .
21 ‘ Because of all the rumours we have to be careful .
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