Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] [been] to " in BNC.

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1 All the doctors , psychiatrists and groups I 'd been to so far for help had made me feel worse than ever : could she be any different ?
2 None of my friends have children and all the mother-and-toddler groups I have been to are full of older mums .
3 and it being full of , of animals , most of them nasty animals , that would frighten you , like snakes and squirrels , I do n't know why squirrels , and , and like I had a picture in my mind , I ca n't remember whether it was the swimming baths I 'd been to , or whatever , like you know how they , quite often they have little ramps , or maybe they do n't , but the ones I 'd been to had ramps , stairs going up to them or whatever ,
4 One of the happiest parties I have been to for a long while was the one at Claridge 's given by Mr and Mrs John Newman , to celebrate the marriage of their daughter Miss Henrietta Newman to the Earl of Caledon , son of the late Earl of Caledon and the late Mrs Denis Alexander .
5 At the other Delhi parties we had been to — mostly boring official events — it had been a struggle to avoid getting cornered by some grey under-secretary from the Ministry of Fertilizer Distribution .
6 What parties they 'd been to when they were young , and Tom Reynard was holding court for his friends and their children .
7 For a start , I will travel and go places I 've not seen , and return to places I 've been to but not really seen because of the tennis .
8 The inevitable question , ‘ What did you do in the hols ? ’ would be greeted with a list of the films I had seen , and the dances and point-to-points I had been to , whereas in fact I was not allowed to go to the cinema ( perhaps for financial reasons ) , had never been to a dance in my life , and did n't even know what a point-to-point was .
9 ‘ During the last few weeks we have been to Kent for the filming .
10 He mentioned old times , the Army , you know , places we 'd been to .
11 So many places they had been to , so many people …
12 When the meter man came for the last time he spoke of my aunt , and of the many years he had been to the house , so that he felt himself to be almost an old friend .
13 Erm , leaving it too long , and now he 's as I say , last couple of years he 's been to se to see why it is he 's getting headaches and they say there 's no sight in that eye at all .
14 See all the firms I 've been to up till the Gas Board just gave you your money back for your pension .
15 Obviously , if we 're gon na be two big unions obviously Portsmouth is no longer going to fit the bill and I think that 's a shame because several congresses I 've been to and this is the finest weather I 've ever enjoyed .
16 She could feel her cheeks burning as girls she 'd been to the convent school with in Naas said , ‘ Welcome , mam ’ and some had slyness in their smiles .
17 then also er a talk with the dep about what he 's gon na say , and I 'm gon na put at the beginning please do not refer to this as being prepared for you , that 's two times he 's been to a launch and said that and he do n't give it such a spontaneous thing , so er I did meet him and tell him
18 and it being full of , of animals , most of them nasty animals , that would frighten you , like snakes and squirrels , I do n't know why squirrels , and , and like I had a picture in my mind , I ca n't remember whether it was the swimming baths I 'd been to , or whatever , like you know how they , quite often they have little ramps , or maybe they do n't , but the ones I 'd been to had ramps , stairs going up to them or whatever ,
19 The weddings I had been to had been like that , quite different from the wedding parties in the villages along the Nile : a deafening noise of drums and flutes , bright hot colours and people saying words I could n't understand .
20 ‘ In Africa there 's very little child abuse that is caused by intention because there 's an outlet in the parts I 've been to .
21 It 's the same with every com you know it 's the same with the erm interviews I 've been to before right you know what I mean ?
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