Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] [vb base] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 As in the case of parent-child relationships we find here that one-way flows of support can not only be tolerated , but also in a sense are expected , provided the direction of the support is from grandparent to grandchild .
2 In the years that I have had to research my Bombing Years lectures I realise now that we never really got to grips with the German defences until the latter stages of the war .
3 So wrote Llewelyn from Aber ; and between the lines they read plainly that though he might still be arguing for peace he had ceased to believe in it or greatly to desire it .
4 I think , Bill , Pauline 's expressing the frustration that we feel , that as David was saying earlier , as Christians we feel particularly that we are called to serve people like this in great trouble , and yet sometimes you think , you know , however many times I try erm there seems to be many people for whom erm all my effort gets nowhere , and I feel that things are getting worse in society and one feels more and more helpless and hopeless , and therefore there 's a kind of frustration erm that builds up here erm
5 Always fill in the record of the cheques you issue so that you can check them against your statement .
6 And it is essential that we should be the ones who control just which parts of our brains we use so that we can achieve what we have decided are our goals .
7 time-consuming , it 's destructive of other things we value so that we value er artistic creation , enjoyment , conversation and so on .
8 For this reason , I limit the amount of aerobics I do so that they are within the capability of most people .
9 b ) Maintain as high a standard of instrument flying as you can , and be thoroughly familiar with each type of aircraft and associated flight procedures you fly so that mental conflict is less likely to occur .
10 When we are babies we cry so that our parents will pick us up and cuddle us .
11 We need bold headline posters in colour to identify what sections they represent so that we can give our members activist up to date information in advance of other comp competition and other unions .
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