Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun pl] [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Trade magazine Estates Times will not print the details of deals unless the property 's address , size , rent or price involved and size of any premium paid are included .
2 The game is therefore useful in illustrating the kinds of strategies animals can not adopt .
3 It was reported that a small altar dominated his room , decorated with the withered heads of animals forensics could not identify , its centre-piece an idol of such explicitly sexual a nature no newspaper dared publish a sketch of it , let alone a photograph .
4 The second would be that arts teachers would not benefit from the experience their fellow teachers were gaining in curriculum building and which would be useful to practices in the arts .
5 But writers want to redraft only when they are concerned enough about their work to want to improve it ; a good deal of the writing done in schools pupils would not wish to redraft , because it is n't important enough to them .
6 It seems that if you 've done an arts degree , apart from social science , then really you 're in line for jobs that science students go for as well , whereas arts students ca n't go for science degree jobs so you 've got more scope to apply for .
7 Again , thought must be given to which local firms or businesses are acceptable and which companies governors would not wish to be associated with in the interests of pupils and the good image of the school .
8 New weapons programmes can not proceed without Congressional authorization .
9 But perhaps if they had listened to what folk-legend had maintained for thousands of years neurobiologists would not have been so surprised at the learning and memory capacity of the bees .
10 Angry and frustrated Gunners fans can not understand why Graham has not jumped into the transfer market .
11 In those days planes could not fly vast distances and had to stop overnight , often in remote places .
12 The accruals figures will not replace the cash accounting basis but supplement it ( see also Brought To Account , featuring Michael Lawrence , Prudential 's finance director , on p 26 ) .
13 Sports players should not continue to play with open wounds .
14 And applications programs wo n't need to be rewritten to take advantage of it .
15 ‘ I 'm not one to speak ill of my betters , as you know , ’ said Mrs Cornforth , ‘ but her Ladyship 's remarks within Thomas 's hearing about my profiteroles Angels would not forgive ! ’
16 On non-school days children should not work any more than five hours if they are under 15 and on Sundays children can only work two hours .
17 As long ago as 1915 Scott published the first research on interviews showing that 6 personnel managers could not agree about a common set of applicants , a finding that has been replicated innumerable times and will be reflected in the personal experience of most interviewers .
18 Obviously the old bookmakers pitches could not stay where they were and had to be moved .
19 The Sahel cattle farmers can not compete .
20 And , and procedures procedures should not say what we do n't do .
21 Some Windows programs wo n't run under OS/2 , because of some technical bits and bobs and the way they use memory — we 'll hopefully be able to point this out in future reviews — but the majority are fine .
22 Till then , computers had been number-crunchers , built to perform one specific function — calculation — at speeds humans could not approach .
23 Another way in which the simultaneous creation of the arbitrage position in both the spot and futures markets may not occur is when only one of these markets is open , in which case the no-arbitrage condition is undefined , and arbitrage transactions are impossible .
24 Consider the position of the chief officers operational independence which is the immense strength of our system and indeed our guarantee that all powerful politicians in Whitehall and for that matter , members of police authorities can not apply improper pressures on the police .
25 HOSPITALS Journalists should not use subterfuge to gain admission to hospitals or similar institutions .
26 INTERVIEWING CHILDREN Journalists should not interview a child in the absence , or without the consent , of a parent or other adult who is responsible for the child at the time .
27 You 'd think the Roadrunners friends would n't smoke as much as they did .
28 I know total-total that if I had my own bike , the Wheels-and-brakes Boys would n't treat me like that .
29 Amelia McLean also pointed out that skill was at stake : " fortunately , the majority of women workers can not see their way to join that union , as they claim to be skilled workers " .
30 There are currently only two workplace nurseries in the North — Queen 's University and the Royal Victoria Hospital — but the irony is that even in this extremely limited provision most women workers can not afford to use these facilities .
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