Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] any [num] time " in BNC.

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1 In order that the system can meet the required standard of availability , and to simplify control of the archive , lexicographers are only presented with a sub-set of dictionary entries at any one time .
2 Under the RSC ( Amendment No 4 ) Order 1989 which amends Ord 6 , r8 , writs issued on or after 4 June 1990 may only be renewed by the court for a maximum of four months at any one time , unless the court is satisfied that it may not be possible , despite all reasonable efforts , to serve the writ within four months , in which case renewal of up to 12 months may be ordered .
3 The aim is to ensure not only that all important titles are held in stock , but also that as far as possible there is on the shelves at any one time a reasonable coverage of material in all subject fields .
4 But there will always be pockets at any one time where we ca n't give as an equally good service as we would like .
5 Since then , orders have flooded in and Jackie , of Newcastle , works on as many as 25 cakes at any one time .
6 We have some erm members of staff who are permanently working in different countries at any one time — probably five/six people from the Institute .
7 Use boards to work from to avoid disturbing newly laid blocks and only lay sufficient sand to deal with a comfortable number of blocks at any one time .
8 Studies by Atkinson and Kincaid in Britain , Harrington in the USA , and official government studies in both countries , reveal a persistent and significant section of the population living in poverty-stricken circumstances at any one time , to say nothing of the many others , who , at certain crucial periods of their life ( e.g. the old , families with young children ) , may temporarily lapse into poverty .
9 There are between 800 to 1,000 crossbreds at any one time in his intensive beef unit .
10 There is a ready market in financial instruments like Treasury bills because there are always plenty of willing sellers and buyers at any one time .
11 Birchbank caters for a maximum of ten guests at any one time , so individual attention is assured and just about every outdoor activity is provided , including cross-country skiing .
12 The main economic differences reflect the different structures of the state and the different state policies adopted by the British and Irish governments at any one time , though with a significantly higher state sector of employment in Ulster .
13 Such relations both define the form of inequality between places at any one time and also help set the scene for the next form of uneven development .
14 The Landmark Trust is always willing to consider new candidates for restoration and is often restoring up to a dozen buildings at any one time .
15 Because there are up to seven outstanding maturities at any one time , the total number of observations was over 2000 .
16 HSE professionals from LASMO 's worldwide operations — up to 30 delegates at any one time — took part in the three-day conference .
17 In one of the supporting in-depth interviews , one respondent said : ‘ We have one lawyer whom we contact once a month on average for disputes or land deals and so on and another one who specialises in debt collecting who may be chasing about 20 customers at any one time .
18 The crucial figure in this decision is the maximum number of loans at any one time .
19 This option allows you to reserve up to 29 Source , Foreign or Pmodel modules names at any one time .
20 A youth justice team may have no more than two or three females on orders at any one time .
21 As a consequence , although a company might have more or less orders at any one time , it is less likely to be without any orders than the one-man operation which can contract to only one customer at any one time .
22 In such an ethic , my rational ends at any one time would be the goals , whether of long-term ambition or of momentary caprice , to which I spontaneously tend in the fullest awareness then available , and all my deliberate acts would be means to these ends .
23 Charlemagne fought and worked on several fronts at any one time ; in the military , political and cultural senses .
24 This principle which is analogous to the implication of the second law of thermodynamics in relation to thermal energy , governs the energy transfers in fluvial processes , the spatial relations at any one time , and the sequence of development from one stage in geomorphic history to another .
25 You can borrow up to six items at any one time and most items you borrow are due back in 28 days ( not a month ) , but some in heavy demand are due back in 14 days .
26 Most traders offered extensive lines of credit , without interest , to their friends and kinsmen — a wealthy Kufran , for example , reckoned that he had about 30,000 dinars on loan to his friends at any one time — apart from commercial credit .
27 As an incentive in 1987 if you enrol FIVE new members at any one time the sixth enrolment will be FREE — ask Hilda Hewitt for more details .
28 The largest area , a hall in which Tiller claimed he could train 200 pupils at any one time , was dominated by three enormous mirrors that would show the girls their mistakes .
29 ( These two schools , however , rarely had more than 25 pupils at any one time , so more individual attention was possible ) .
30 The new facility can accommodate up to 330 residential and 300 visiting management trainees at any one time .
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