Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [v-ing] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 I determined to spend the first part of my prison leisure working out my reasons for knowing I was right .
2 The road from Mandalay to Wigan Pier is a long one and the reasons for taking it are not immediately clear …
3 One of the reasons for arranging it is to give you the chance to be responsible for your own learning while you are on the placement .
4 In houses for heating it 's conceivable that you could have a huge hot water store in the basement , or a store made up of round pebbles , heated by hot air , which you could then use by circulating cool air through them to produce hot air at other times .
5 Getting children talking about texts in groups after reading them is one way of giving them this power with texts .
6 She then turned her attention to the food that needed to be cooked , placing it within easy reach of the barbecue , and making sure the necessary utensils for handling it were nearby .
7 Today we went to a fair in the morning and Loz from Kingmaker won a goldfish in a plastic bag and Bobby Gillespie got thrown off the bumper cars for saying he was Marc Bolan in a Mini and Polly Harvey was a tree .
8 They are good little theoretical exercises because they are easily described and algorithms for solving them are easily programmed , but they have a lot of symmetry , which is most uncommon in real life .
9 EDWARD and Joyce Widdup , hailed nationally as principled fighters against the onward march of brick and cement , have lost their battle — four months after saying they were willing to sacrifice £2 million if they could continue to live in their green oasis on the outskirts of Bradford , West Yorks .
10 THE GOVERNMENT admitted yesterday that its pollution inspectorate lacked almost a quarter of its quota of professional inspectors , nine months after saying it was recruiting 13 extra staff , writes Nicholas Schoon .
11 Whatever your Dreams , the steps towards achieving them are the same .
12 A task has high structure when the goal and the methods of achieving it are well understood and agreed upon — see Chapter 10 , Objective Setting .
13 I would like to suggest that a rigid model of permanent placement and of methods of achieving it is no longer appropriate , given the much wider range of needs of children .
14 Animal viruses became easier to study when methods of growing them were devised .
15 Of those seven aspects of planning it is likely that all members of staff will have been previously involved in at least three .
16 I also duped a few stupid coventry fans into thinking I was a new signing as i walked out of the officials entrance after the match … did about 8 or 9 autographs : - ) ) )
17 The mother was prompted when to let go and once Mary made a two-second break in her crying after several minutes of screaming she was told she could get up .
18 ESSAY 7 — ; Did Tsarism show any real signs of re-establishing it 's grip on Russia in the period after 1905 .
19 SHANNEN DOHERTY shows worrying signs of thinking she 's an ostrich .
20 ‘ It turned out to be extremely good for me because within twenty-four hours of leaving I was asked to go to Hollywood and prepare Scrooge for Paramount Pictures .
21 However , the motives for building them are , in most cases , very much less so .
22 In Manhattan a fellow dashes about claiming he is the grandson of Balenciaga .
23 What good is an educational system which fools youngsters into thinking they are much cleverer than they really are and lets them loose on the working world ( not that there 's much work there ) with worthless qualifications ?
24 Soil tests to discover the pH are easily done , and the kits for doing them are provided with instructions by several garden product companies , and stocked at garden shops .
25 Santiago itself is ten kilometres from the airport , and after two solid days of flying it was great to be cycling .
26 In four days of fighting it was reported that more than 100 people were killed .
27 But after 10 years of bookselling he is keen to retire .
28 During the formative years of broadcasting it was cinema which produced the predominant images of lesbians and gay men .
29 ‘ I forged my passport fooling Croat officials into believing she was my daughter .
30 In the days before floodlighting it was obvious that a game starting at five o'clock could not possibly run its full course , but the referee went ahead , fearing trouble from a crowd that had waited over two hours .
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