Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [det] most [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for this most unusual state of affairs become clear , as soon as one looks at the history of the proceedings against Mr. Osman , who , if an indictment against him is preferred , will become a co-defendant of the applicant .
2 Ian Catley , the National Fund-raising Manager for the Macmillan Nurse Appeal , which is Johnson Matthey 's Charity of the Year asked what events we had planned in order to raise funds for this most worthy of charities .
3 The paper by Barrington ( 1886 ) on St. Kilda was one of those commended by Campbell ( op. cit. ) , while Gibson ( 1891 ) and Praeger ( 1897 ) also contributed to the lists for this most remote of all the outliers .
4 Here , following the banner of reform , led by the gentlemen of that most aristocratic Whig Government , led by Lord Grey , Lord Melbourne , Lord John Russell , they saw for a time before them the high road to a better and fairer ordering of society .
5 I stared into her white beautiful face , the carmined lips pursed into a kiss , and crumpled to my knees before this most dread Queen of the Abyss .
6 My own favourite rests with David Hill 's Hyperion recording with Westminster Choir , mainly because I favour the sound of boys ' voices in this most pure of works .
7 Anyway , at Fontainebleau the doors were thrown open so we could feast our eyes on this Most Christian of Kings .
8 We pray , too , that they may learn to live with the loss , and recover from the emotional and physical effects of this most harrowing , prolonged experience .
9 In this film it was at Carnforth Station in Lancashire , amid the bustle of comings and goings and the steadily hardening rock-cakes of the buffet , that the entwined lives of that most English and most gentle pair of lovers Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson reached crisis point .
10 What action is being taken by South Wales Electricity and the other companies on that most important aspect of energy efficiency ?
11 Even on the darkest night , by the light which the sea seemed mysteriously to absorb and reflect , he could make out the splendid fifteenth-century west tower of Happisburgh Church , that embattled symbol of man 's precarious defences against this most dangerous of seas .
12 Moving , like the witches , with confident , implacable force , the Citizens ' creates a Macbeth machine to assault a Scottish audience 's expectations of this most familiar of Shakespeare 's plays , leaving it , by the end , thoroughly drained and disturbed .
13 Without a shred of embarrassment , the sentimental Tory takes out his hanky and invites us to watch him dripping crocodile tears of fond reminiscence for the days of that most honourable of men , so lauded by the Conservatives of his era , Mr Tony Benn .
14 THERE was an amusing television programme last week called BOFTY — Bore of the Year — which meted out awards to those most guilty of pretentiousness , rudeness , ubiquity and any other media excess as decided by the satirical magazine , Private Eye .
15 Then there was the rural charm of my old friend Gerry Rafferty 's much loved weekly dander ‘ Listen Here Awhile ’ , the inquisitive ramblings round the countryside by ‘ Nomad ’ , and the contributions by that most famous of all Belfast local historians , Cathal O'Byrne .
16 Everyone , even the much maligned administrators , politicians and academics , have a right to throw their views into this most important of melting-pots .
17 The statutory responsibilities of social service authorities for elderly people cover three main areas of provision , residential accommodation , domiciliary services and protective powers for those most vulnerable .
18 No tickets have ever been issued in the Railway 's eight-years-long official existence but Doug and the three compatriots that run the service shake a bucket at passengers for donations , and , throughout the 1980's , have raised thousands of pounds for this most worthy of causes .
19 WHEN Lady ‘ Bubbles ’ Rothermere died unexpectedly a month ago the obituary columns were filled with charming anecdotes about this most famous of rich , fun-loving , party going socialites .
20 Sipping an evening martini at the Top of the Mark ( the glass-encircled roof garden of the Mark Hopkins Hotel high on Nob Hill ) one could look down at the lights of that most cosmopolitan city — over the warehouses and docks of the Embarcadero , over to Grant Avenue and Chinatown , down the cable-car track to Fisherman 's Wharf and beyond to the lights of the Golden Gate Bridge which crossed the bay to Sausolito .
21 At the start of his first visit — to Thailand on Sept. 26-30 — the Emperor told King Bhumibol Adulyadej that Japan had " resolved that it would live as a nation of peace , so that it should never repeat the horrors of that most unfortunate war " , and that Japan had made " unremitting efforts " to build " new friendships " in the region .
22 In the Middle Ages a degree of drainage which allowed the conversion of pasture to meadow provided livestock farmers with that most precious of commodities , winter fodder .
23 The work is of interest not only to the academic community , but to government , bankers and to all who are concerned with the shaping of policies in this most powerful and influential of the Latin American nations .
24 Few details of this most Clinton-like of plans have been released so far .
25 There are full details of this most acceptable of Christmas presents on page 146
26 For those who cut their climbing teeth on this most demanding of rock types , the eastern edges of the Peak District will always retain a magical aura .
27 Unfortunately the anonymity of the process limits the opportunity to put out contracts on those most worthy of such largesse .
28 Now the treasures of this most acquisitive of monarchs — portraits , armour , jewellery and so on — will be exhibited at the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich from May to September as part of the anniversary celebrations .
29 Ingleborough is not in view from Clapham and the near presence of the mountain , so dominant when seen from other directions , is not suspected by the many admiring and envious visitors who parade the charming byways of this most delightful of Yorkshire villages .
30 Our comment : One of the nicest looking early examples of this most popular Swan !
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