Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adv] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Visits from further afield have been directed more at studying the planning and layout of the new Map Library ; they included visits from map librarians from New York Public Library , the University of California , Los Angeles , and the National Diet Library , Japan .
2 However , before this arcadian millennium is reached , the real rural problems of today still have to be resolved , namely poor rural transport and accessibility , low levels of service provision and rural deprivation .
3 It is for those of us who remember and rejoice in Deputy Dawg cartoons , the horrors of actually still having that Curved Air album , of ever attending a gig by Ten Years After or Where Eagles Dare starring which castle ?
4 The packaging of imported products has continued to fascinate him , for intrinsic qualities — — the names , the colours and the designs — but also no doubt because of the way products from far away have been integrated into the domestic Mexican environment .
5 Mr Salmond has to appear pure in heart to his diehard fundamentalists by never again having truck with four letter words like devolution .
6 Our local starling population is a race apart in that they are non-migratory and have been isolated in the islands for long enough to have developed their own characteristics .
7 Even in the early years of the nineteenth century the middle-class streets had ‘ prospects ’ of the country and the older working-class houses at least still had gardens .
8 Independent British film makers from all over have been writing letters of complaint .
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