Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] place [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There have been so many plans for the place and everything seems to fall through , ’ he said .
2 She and Alan hope that Pat 's blythe spirit will attract all her fans to the place and rekindle the old atmosphere of fun .
3 Most of them would never set eyes on the place and few felt any loyalty towards it .
4 But when the time comes to close , this delicate balance between gleaming efficient machinery and the secret world of nature can relent the man made , now nature takes over , unfettered by schedules or the relentless hurry into the night shift , it creeps into the bare workings of the place and then it 's not the rest of the world within a world .
5 Present it to Walter Raleigh , Sitting Bull , Napoleon , Julius Caesar or even the man on the Athens omnibus circa 100 BC and explain to him that this is not the work of God or the Devil but a few clever chaps in a place and time they 've never heard of .
6 Carried by some freak of the acoustics of the place or by the mist , Jotan 's voice said as it seemed to Alexei in his ear , ‘ If you move or call out , I shall kill you . ’
7 I have lots of happy memories of the place and wish you every success with it . ’
8 There must , he thought , be thousands of these small attendants , waiters , scullions , masons , miners , mechanics and general helpers and dogsbodies in the place and around it ; he knew something about provisioning and logistics , and the castle 's kitchens could have provided ten-course meals every few hours for an army of tens of thousands .
9 And if Davie 's principles make him what some might call ‘ elitist ’ or ‘ undemocratic ’ , as in his stinging verdicts on ‘ catchpenny enterprises … like the Arvon Poetry Competitions ’ , it is not without his having pondered the arguments about the place and function of elites and of high art in a democratic nation far more deeply than the bulk of his fellow countrymen .
10 Saying , if I get a farm with cows and sheep and a five-bar gate and chickens and a coop and a metal stream and a few trees about the place and a green field made of billiard cloth and a dog or two and a cat — never mind the cat — and perhaps a fox on a hill … if I get this , with a pair of ball-bearing roller skates so that I can gleam and flash and go backwards through the heavy Friday traffic and be as glamorous as Boy Davids from the Park …
11 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
12 A factory owner , A. J. Mundella , viewed the legislation as part of the same protective impulse that prompted the Factory Acts , which placed restrictions on the place and hours of women 's labour .
13 There were other religious accessories around the place and , on the walls , idealized renderings of New Testament scenes .
14 We pulled into the car park alongside the other trucks outside the place and most of the drivers were inside .
15 Inside the farmhouse , she showed me some of her furniture and when I saw all the cards around the place and she began to talk about how proud she was about the large number of people who wrote to her , it dawned on me that she must be a bit of a celebrity .
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