Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Scathach slung canvases between trees that surged and shuddered .
2 The neutrons came from fusion reactions between particles that had been accelerated to very high energies by magnetic fields the scientists were using to contain the very hot ionised gases that were supposed to support fusion .
3 An important boost for this theory carne in 1973 when experiments at CERN discovered the so-called neutral currents : weak interactions between particles that occur via the exchange of something neutral , in other words the Zo .
4 Some of these rituals draw upon the creative work of Jewish feminist ritualists who are reclaiming traditional practices , like the monthly ritual bath and the new moon celebration , as distinctive and positive rituals for women that celebrate female bodily processes .
5 What is needed is an investigation into what language teachers in different classrooms in different countries find problematic about conventional practice or about proposals for innovation that have been put forward .
6 Even so , the abnormal number of requests for references that poured in from provincial and oversea banks was bound to set him wondering .
7 It has a list of consultants around the country who examine requests for loans that involve esoteric technologies in computers or telecommunications for instance .
8 If the advantages of decentralization of decision making are to be preserved , firms must be able to operate within a set of rules for competition that enable them to identify what strategies are likely to attract scrutiny , and what strategies they can pursue without hindrance .
9 Scotland sends in the poll tax bailiffs For councils that have to pioneer community charge collection , the nightmare is just beginning .
10 There are some books for children that have not been illustrated , and probably should not be illustrated .
11 As Herman explains , ‘ [ c ] ollective action may result from structural ties between firms that integrate their interest and facilitate coordination between them — such as a common ownership interest — or it may arise out of a recognized common interest or mutual business interdependence with minimal personal contact and communications among the companies and their officials .
12 Nevertheless the constructive work of Communists in the Blitz and the war factories kept the Party alive and put it in a good position to exploit the opportunities for expansion that followed Hitler 's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 .
13 The letter with his settlement cheque says : ‘ Once again I can only apologise on behalf of my clients for events that occurred . ’
14 The success of this approach will depend on finding sequences for oligonucleotides that bind sufficiently well to viral genetic material to cripple the virus , and yet do not bind to normal cellular DNA or RNA .
15 And when children are asked to find possible labels for categories that lack conventional terms , they freely coin innovative nouns upon demand ( e.g. , Clark and Berman , 1984 ; Clark and Hecht , 1982 ; Clark , Hecht and Mulford , 1986 ; Mulford , 1983 ) .
16 A comparable slab of slightly less educated people , but including many of those who are educated , love quasi-science : books about bits that fall off Jupiter and the pyramids that came from outer space .
17 I refer , of course , to manners of thought that have become formalised , certain convolutions , the consistent combination of apprehensions with little twistles of kinaesthetic intimation , d'ye follow me ? ’
18 There are other important questions , such as the general characteristics of behaviour that tends to get identified as child abuse and the social conditions that tend to make such behaviour more or less likely .
19 There are certain sorts of clothes that make you an ‘ OK person ’ ( like Levi jeans or Reebok trainers ) .
20 And the problem is , although they are er very negative for the environment , they destroy rivers , they effect the navigation , they are quite popular with the population , with the peasants , with the indians , because they bring money , they bring activities , they bring weapons , they bring all sorts of things that break the isolation of those populations that live along the rivers or er in the middle of the forest .
21 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
22 ‘ The normal sorts of things that make up one 's life .
23 Here near to Foxton are examples of all sorts of things that excite the blood of the canal enthusiast : a delightful cut through the centre of the village taking the boatman to the once prosperous wharves and building yards of Market Harborough ; a wonderful hand-operated swingbridge allowing the more adventurous visitors to negotiate Swingbridge Lane on their own ; visible and tangible memories of boatmen 's inns .
24 So when you first get a bruise injury those are the sorts of things that happen .
25 One of the marvellous things about this record is that there 's so many references to all sorts of things that have happened to us over the last couple of years .
26 If it does not react like this , it is not one of the sorts of society that survive .
27 But if you 're in a general branch such as I am , which is made up from people of all sorts of industries that have come together because none of us are large enough to have a branch within our own industry on our own , then which section do we go to ?
28 Undoubtedly benefits are coming from those sorts of changes that come from the Health Service reforms .
29 We then turn to the main techniques for studying the physiological side of the equation , lesions , stimulation , and recording , looking at the sorts of problems that affect our interpretation of experiments .
30 It is an extreme example Mr , trying to point out the sorts of problems that arise in relation to policies which say more than they mean .
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