Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Being told in a spiteful , truculent way that you 're not perfect rings louder bells for you than it would for most .
2 Admittedly , there were times for her when it all became too much , when the intrusion and the invasion were a strain .
3 You simply stood by the grill and never took your eyes off it until it was the colour you wanted .
4 You can buy new covers for it but it 'll cost you about eighty quid
5 There were no clerics nor foreigners amongst them and it was obvious that many of those going in to view the film viewed them as a sad little group .
6 We know that they brought other domestic animals with them but it is inconceivable that they would have taken a wild cat from the mainland .
7 I had brothers and friends ’ brothers into it and it was just the village I lived in , it was a grebo village .
8 Well this this curve here 's got s steps in it but it wo n't
9 He subsequently served as its legal adviser , and it is thanks to him that it obtained its Light Railway Order and was enabled to operate under a lease agreement until purchase negotiations were concluded .
10 My grandfather taught me necessary skills : how to tip my tea into my saucer and blow waves across it until it was cool enough to drink ; how to cut an orange in half crossways and pack a sugar lump into each half and then suck out orange-juice and sugar together ; how to walk along the crazy-paving garden path without stepping On any of the cracks or a tiger would get you ; how to butter the loaf and then clutch it to your chest and then shave off paper-thin slices ; what saint to pray to when you woke up at night and saw the devil moving behind the curtains .
11 Because labour , there 's loads of it and it 's very cheap .
12 For Michael Codron , it marked the start of an outstanding production career — which had seemed to bode so ill for him during the run of The Wit To Woo , a play that had no happier associations for him than it had for Ken .
13 One is married already , one has declared that she will never take a husband , and the third has two suitors after her as it is .
14 Enlightened dry-fly anglers , too , have already been taking some tremendous catches with it and it will surely prove devastating for dapping , the earliest form of fly fishing , a method still used extensively in Ireland at certain times of year .
15 It was about six feet from him when it went off , to which distance , and the fact that Peter 's kick had made him roll into the water at the minute of explosion , he owed his mangled survival .
16 He captured the citadel but he only had a few troops with him and it was clear he could n't hold it for long , so he pushed on east past Excideuil into the Limousin , driving straight into the heartland of the rebel cause and devastating the country as he went .
17 He says it 's a period that appeals to him because it was both sophisticated and wicked .
18 Although bathed in a sentimentality of its own , the concept appeals to me because it reminds me of a trip I made as a student to the Maison Savoye in the summer of 1957 , when this great Corbusier villa was a ruin surrounded by waist-high grass and nettles .
19 The idea of using two microphones appeals to me because it could stimulate two ears .
20 Though stated as a rule of absolute liability , there ‘ are so many exceptions to it that it is doubtful whether there is much of the rule left . ’
21 They 're not exactly specialist agencies but they have a great deal of experience and they have a commitment to a certain kind of research , and they have , I mean we 've had our run-ins with them as it were , but they have listened , and they 've supported some of our work as well , and I think that they in time will provide a kind of model as it were for a number of erm perhaps less experienced agencies throughout the world , newly set-up ones , as to how it is possible to do consistently good logical rational work in the face of the chaos that a disaster produces .
22 " And how often did you get good roast beef like this down at Sir Gregory 's , Miss Jennifer ? " he asked , helping himself to a generous dollop of honey and making patterns with it as it streamed down onto the slab of red meat on his plate .
23 Er I mean if he were responsive and would work and would try things for himself but it , it 's , it 's like hacking at concrete with a knife .
24 ‘ It does upset me seeing all the stories about her because it 's not a true picture of the real woman .
25 The wood fibres are blown apart , but remain glued together at many individual points by the set resin , or connected by viscous strings of it if it has not quite set .
26 ‘ News teams like it because it is roomy , fast , can carry all their kit , and has good off-the-road stability , ’ said , ballistic protection business manager for Courtaulds Aerospace .
27 But to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear yours , to be mingling identities with you as it were , — the vision-wearing fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but hope never dared whisper a promise .
28 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
29 before before the meeting proper may I refer you to first of all the voice amplification system is currently working but er there are some difficulties with it and it may during the day deteriorate to a state that it is more trouble than it 's worth .
30 So I mean yo , there could be things in it that it could be left there , if there 's , but you started
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