Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Has the Liberal party broken a convention , or was it merely a display of bad manners that they left the Chamber immediately after their spokesman had finished ?
2 The insecticidal activity of most strains of Bt arises mainly from the proteinaceous δ-endotoxins , which are produced in such large amounts within the cell when it forms spores that they produce a characteristic crystal ( Fig. 3 ) .
3 It was in this splendid fifteenth-century monument to the high architectural taste of the Catholic sovereigns that I read a message written by a fifteenth-century schoolboy on his classroom wall : Aquí supo lo que es bueno , y lo que es malo , / Lo que es dulce , y lo que es amaro ( Here I had knowledge of what is good , and of what is bad , / Of what is sweet , and of what is bitter ) .
4 In fact the actor , who reassures fans that he has no plans to quit 90210 now that his movie career is under way , has a more than healthy respect for the opposite sex — a lot of it born out of his admiration at how his mother struggled through during the dark early years of his life .
5 Mr Nigel Rudd , chairman of Williams , said the company had received categorical assurances from the Barclay brothers that they had no intention of making an offer .
6 Many would-be claimants are so afraid of going into solicitors ' offices that they try the local Citizens ' Advice Bureau ( CAB ) first .
7 There was little to repel a European , yet it was with wide eyes that I saw a ‘ Trans-World Tours ’ motor coach taking its pale-skinned passengers through the town .
8 It was as commander of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards that he won the DSO at the Battle of Tumbledown during the Falklands campaign .
9 Roughly speaking , chapters in the present alternate with chapters from earlier periods , cast in such different styles that they emphasize the novel 's formal discontinuity .
10 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
11 It is only in flatter , smaller organizational units that we see a sharp decrease in both the game-playing and the filtering .
12 One morning he went so far as to say to Nikos that he thought the affair was now over .
13 But the King for prevention of offences may by proclamation admonish his subjects that they keep the laws , and do not offend them ; upon punishment to be inflicted by the law , & c .
14 So much modern merchandise is themed with bestselling books that it makes a logical extension to the stock profile .
15 They are so used to watching TV images that they have no capacity for formulating their own images at all .
16 For instance , there was poor communication with mothers in the weighing room because the nurses were so occupied with the recording of weights that they took no time to explain these to the mothers .
17 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
18 I have no doubt that were he here today he would tell us that he was merely offering the hypothesis as a basis for argument ; but bearing in mind that the right hon. and learned Gentleman is the author of the words that I uttered a moment or two ago in support of the analysis of the historical nature of the government of Scotland , the Government should certainly take some account of this further straw in the wind .
19 It must be a phrase or short sentence , and include words that you feel the children need to learn to spell , e.g. " The sun is really shining . "
20 My Proposition , embracing The House of the Dead , Notes from Underground , Crime and Punishment , The Possessed , Karamazov , and , negatively , by way of relative failure , The Idiot , is that Dostoevsky could only promote his dearest values by creeping up on their blind side : in other words that he had an urge towards crisis and clarity which he could only satisfy by yielding it to the enemy — to the horror of the flogging routine in the ‘ Thy kingdom come ’ episode in the Dead House at one chronological extreme , and to Ivan Karamazov 's showdown with the Religion Swindle at the other .
21 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
22 For some , homesickness is so bad during the first few months that they have no alternative but to go back home again .
23 It is because the Government would not allow local authorities to appoint a couple of gatekeepers that we face a bill probably in the region of £1.9 billion .
24 The moderate socialists still controlled the CEC elected by the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets in June , but acceded to demands that they summon a Second Congress which , following a series of regional soviet congresses , eventually met on 25 October .
25 An analysis of the concept of ontological existent , as we saw , brings certain other categories into focus with which this concept is structurally interlinked and demands that we widen the scope of our investigation .
26 William Waldegrave , the health secretary , rejected nurses ' demands that he delay the government 's NHS reforms because patients ( they said ) are suffering .
27 But so much of her attention was now centred on her own immediate steps that she had no leisure to orientate herself in a wider field .
28 It is a property of geometric indices that they understate the price rises and overstate the absolute size of a price falls of a portfolio of shares ( see Chapter 1 ) .
29 It is when ageist attitudes become part of the rules of institutions , govern the conduct of social life , and blend imperceptibly into everyday values and attitudes that they have a drastic effect on the way older people lead their lives .
30 It is important to be able to prove to prospective employers that you have the relevant experience for the job .
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