Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] he [is] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The images that he 's going to use come to life .
2 Listening is much more than hearing ; it is an active process whereby the listener attends exclusively to the speaker , not only to the words that he is speaking .
3 In view of the serious situation that my right hon. Friend has outlined and the excellent policies that he is introducing to deal with it , can we have a clear assurance that the Government will resist any proposals at the Maastricht discussions to transfer immigration control to Brussels or the European Economic Community ?
4 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
5 But there are signs that he is distancing himself from the UN .
6 And now , judging by Bill Clinton 's croak as he addressed supporters yesterday , there are already signs that he is feeling the pace .
7 They are different from the views that he is saying are ours , and I wish that he would retract that .
8 However , I want to make it clear that , by allowing him to come to Britain , neither I nor any Conservative Member has any agreement whatever with the racialist views that he is peddling , and I am sure that that is true of Opposition Members as well .
9 The views that he is peddling in France exploit the anxieties of many people in a ruthless and unacceptable way .
10 Hypnotists now often suggest that the subject focuses his attention by staring fixedly at a drawing pin on the wall , while telling him in rather monotonous tones that he is becoming more relaxed and sleepy .
11 He even uses words which come from the Old Testament Book of Daniel and they recognised that and here they 've got this pathetic looking individual in front of them threatening to destroy the temple , threatening to this , that and the other and here you 've got this power Sanhedrin who ca n't recognise him really as the Messiah and yet there 's a ring of truth about some of things that he 's talking about .
12 ought to do is to eat the things that he 's saying that nobody wants .
13 As to the Secretary of State 's personal statement , as he knows , we do not always agree about everything , but we very much appreciate the efforts that he is making to bring everybody around the table .
14 The usual way in which this duty is breached is for the employee to mention to customers that he is leaving and either directly or indirectly suggest to them that he is available to meet their needs once he has left .
15 In the ‘ rational ’ decision-making model , the policy-maker first specifies the objectives that he is trying to achieve , second musters all the evidence necessary for an analysis of alternative ways of achieving these objectives and , third , chooses the most cost-effective means of achieving these objectives .
16 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
17 He has also had to counter allegations that he is dragging television down-market then listen to television pundits witter on about skirt lengths , sexual chemistry and the F-factor , under the guise of highbrow criticism .
18 There are two girl keepers who spend as much time as they can with him and are giving him so many titbits that he 's getting thoroughly spoiled .
19 He 's going to record seminars that he is doing , and also seminars other people are doing in the department .
20 The author insists at several points that he is talking about both basic and applied research , although he would exclude technology .
21 Let's go and tell some Brixton men that he 's saying he 's a Brixton man , when he 's not he 's a Hackney man .
22 Noades also denied reports that he is chasing Sheffield United manager Dave Bassett , Noades ' manager when he was chairman at Wimbledon .
23 I have been hearing reports that he is floundering a little bit , which you do .
24 Er we set up on a regional basis er er Robert talked to you a couple of months ago about the initiatives that he 's taking from our and that again is a very much of a cross practice initiative er which is drawing on all the skills that we 've got within the with within the office penetrate the middle market sector and we are going to er specifically use er our grounds expertise and er computer audit expertise as a product which we saw would be attractive to these er these sort of companies .
25 He claims his recovery plan kills off Labour claims that he is doing nothing to combat unemployment .
26 He is so true to his roots that he is buying his first home in ‘ mean street , ’ Philadelphia , the tough district where his father and several friends were killed .
27 But Mr Rafsanjani is exposed to accusations that he is departing from the policies set out by the leader of Iran 's Islamic revolution , the late Ayatollah Khomeini , and may have seized on the Mujahideen attacks to demonstrate that he is not selling out the imam 's legacy .
28 But if you do find an area where you could save a key person several hours a day , then that is real money saved where he could be using his special expertise in his business to get more business , and then one would have to look more closely at erm the particular application , particular jobs that he 's doing and that could be put on the computer .
29 MR NORMAN Tebbit 's decision to raise the stakes in the Conservatives ' Hong Kong immigration row with a brutal attack on the Cabinet 's policy last night convinced some MPs that he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Mrs Thatcher retires .
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