Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [pron] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The paradigm presents him with a set of definite problems together with methods that he is confident will be adequate for their solution .
2 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
3 Even when our bodies give us very clear signals that something is wrong , we will hardly ever take responsibility for any problems that we may incur .
4 This seems an absurd consequence and signals that something is wrong with Freeman 's basic assumptions .
5 But hey , there 's a bounty out , he could do with the loot and you can tell from the narrowing of those famous Eastwood eyes that he 's bored rigid with being a decent human being .
6 Leeds have bought so many players in the past few months that it is tempting to call the club New Leeds — although the fans are calling them Dad 's Army because they have bought so many stars over 30 .
7 Tony Grant , of Coopers and Lybrand , who chairs the initiative , hopes to take advantage of the deregulation of German , French and other European financial sectors that he is sure is coming .
8 It is perhaps for these reasons that there is little tangible evidence showing any measurable reduction in loss of fire damage to contents or structures .
9 Mr A is good at one , three , five and Mrs B is responsible for the skills that she 's good at one , two , three , four , five eight .
10 The furniture-making craft is so wide and it covers so many disciplines that it is impossible to have in-depth knowledge of all these disciplines all the time .
11 It is because he is concerned only with a private set of notes that he is able to enrich his initial comments in this way .
12 However , the right hon. Gentleman chose instead to use the race card , which his party is determined to play in the run-up to the election , by extrapolating from those two cases that there is massive fraud in matters relating to refugees , thereby smearing the character of all those who seek asylum in this country , without any thought of the conditions from which they have come .
13 So if we do under-fund , and I 'm not suggesting in these proposals that there is any major under-funding in the proposals in front of you this morning , but the dangers of under-funding are that , inevitably they will first impact on the end that we are being asked to develop as alternatives .
14 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
15 Discretionary judgement is likely to be required by policy , alongside the more precise rules that it is possible to promulgate .
16 Whether problems stem from personal shortcomings , from the structure of society or from some combination of these two broad influences , the focus must be on the family and on signs that something is likely to be ‘ wrong ’ .
17 In order not to bore my readers , I have left the subject alone for the past six months , but with the start of a new summer season approaching in Britain , it is perhaps time to take up some of the issues again ; for I see few signs that there is any change of heart and certainly no sign of a change of direction .
18 This is the opposite extreme to the views that it is mere " myth " — a term used in varying ways , and notoriously hard to define exactly .
19 ‘ Every Thursday the courtyard of the Dargah is so full of visitors that it is difficult even to approach the Place and touch it , ’ he writes .
20 He draws out the richest tones that he is capable of here .
21 Jews complain that the Times betrays Israel , feminists that it is chauvinist , southerners that it is pro-Yankee , priests that it is anti-Catholic .
22 You have absolutely nothing at all to do with it , and I resent sometimes the implications that there is this kind of artificial competitiveness amongst actors , because it 's been my experience that it does n't exist .
23 The only ones who might qualify are Ian Woosnam and Sam Torrance , but he wears such baggy trousers that it is difficult to see .
24 The US government has been told by congressional investigators that it is responsible for cleaning up possibly hundreds of thousands of publicly-owned environmentally hazardous sites , at a cost of billions of dollars .
25 There are so many exciting things happening at church these days that it 's hard to keep up with events .
26 Chapple-Hyam has warned for some days that he is reluctant to risk Rodrigo de Triano , winner of the English and Irish 2,000 Guineas , on soft ground .
27 Furthermore , so many traders were involved in non-European countries independently of their governments that it is misleading to think of world trade only in national terms .
28 How else do we explain to Plant Managers and to Governments that it 's right for the Corporation to purchase products from non-European sources , but it 's wrong to supply European components to the United States because the US divisions would n't like it ? ’
29 This clearly covers such a vast range of possibilities that it is best to break verbal behaviour down into a number of categories and concentrate on some specifics .
30 She 's been at my side for so many years that it 's more than just a business relationship .
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