Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The manufacturers of BSB 's MAC receivers , the traders that tried to sell them , and the public who were encouraged to buy them , have lost confidence in the whole business of MAC , Marcopolo and 31° West .
2 The presence of teenager Kevin Thomas in the Hearts ' squad may be designed to supply the goals that tend to elude them at Broomfield .
3 Smashing through the few Night Goblins that remained to oppose them , Duregar and Belegar headed west .
4 Blindly she hurried on , tearing herself free of branches that attempted to hold her back .
5 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
6 And if black holes were as varied as the objects that collapsed to form them , it might be very difficult to make any predictions about black holes in general .
7 In Chapter ii we found that a good deal of social science has been informed by this view ; but it is nevertheless natural to wonder why individualism should be excluded from the group of disciplines that aim to provide us with a grasp of the social world .
8 Cuts are announced , and enforced , by the central government , but it is most often the local authorities that have to implement them .
9 It is clear that this change is highly evaluated in Belfast in terms of social class hierarchy and status , as it is the more prestigious groups that tend to adopt it and the more ‘ advanced ’ ( generally female and younger ) group who introduce it to the conservative inner-city communities ( which are characterized by dense and multiplex network ties that tend to resist innovation and maintain conservative forms ) .
10 In private , however , the view is gaining ground that eventual membership of the Community by those East European countries that want to join it would be a good idea .
11 Naïve fool , she thought , staring into space , fighting back the emotions that threatened to swamp her .
12 She swallowed , struggling against the tightness in her throat , the sobs that threatened to overwhelm her .
13 Repeated presentation of a given stimulus , therefore , will allow a network of links to be established among the elements that go to make it up ( particularly strong links being formed among those elements that tend to be sampled frequently ) .
14 Many windsurfing texts that aim to make you a better sailor explain the skills and techniques you need to master in a ‘ how to do it ’ format , with numerous photographic sequences of the manoeuvres involved .
15 It was such qualities , combined with its outstanding durability and scarcity , that led the Chinese to invest it with the symbolic qualities and applications that served to mark it out all the more emphatically as for them precious beyond all other substances .
16 Of course , this did n't stop him from shamelessly flirting with and teasing the scores of solicitous museum officials that came to see him ! ’
17 " What , no congaie , no mu tsai ? " asked Joseph precociously , straining to bridge the gap of those few years that seemed to separate him from the world of adult banter inhabited so effortlessly by Paul and his brother .
18 The powers that exist to enable him to carry out this task are expressly preserved by the Act , and it is essential to consider their scope in some detail .
19 It does n't seem much , looking back , but it 's … well , it 's like I was clean before then ; another person , unsullied , untouched by all those darker things that came to dominate me . ’
20 The most obvious questions have to do with the elements or components of the curriculum : the things that go to make it up ( see Figure 1.1 ) .
21 This is what he hoped for , and one the many things that tended to dispirit him was the fact that it was so little forthcoming .
22 Arctic mammals and birds have evolved pure white fur or feathers that help to camouflage them against the white expanses of the frozen north .
23 If you are looking after an elderly relative , make use of any help groups and agencies that exist to relieve you .
24 The storms that threatened to pluck him from the summit where he stood barely rippled the grey waters of the lakes that were strung like pearls along the centre of the grassland far below .
25 They accept the forces that tend to bring them into equilibrium with their surroundings .
26 But perhaps more fittingly it might commemorate the slaves that died to win it form the Earth .
27 Erm on the understanding that for any Green Party members that want to use it over the conference .
28 If you are to enjoy the satisfaction of growing one , clearly it helps to know how to combat all the pests and diseases that conspire to stop you .
29 It was fourteen days since the force had crossed the Tweed , eluded the levies that rode to intercept it , and roved south towards Newcastle , pillaging and burning what was left of the standing crops .
30 The factors that helped to build them will be examined further in the next two chapters by looking at the forces that influence the making and implementation of social policy .
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