Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv prt] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is that something you can easily forget , pulling a man 's trousers on when he 's got handcuffs on and lying on his front ?
2 The kids at my new school all went round in little gangs , spoiling for a fight — nothing serious , just pushing other kids over and jeering at them .
3 Praxis says it is well down the development road of getting an ANDF installer up on another RISC , possibly the Inmos Transputer , whilst there are known to be several other key players keen to get installers up and running on their kit too ( UX No 385 ) .
4 ‘ For cutting animals up and disposing of them in a public place . ’
5 And I really feel like going back putting my feet up and chatting to you a bit more because we have n't chatted enough have we ?
6 No , but I really feel like going back and putting my feet up and chatting to you a bit more , cos we have n't chatted enough have we ?
7 By then Sun Valley hopes to have made arrangements to have new production lines up and running in Herefordshire .
8 TEN years on and going from strength to strength …
9 DEC claims 2,000 development sites for OSF/1 1.2 on Alpha , with 400 applications up and running with a further 1,000 committed .
10 Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , told Unigram last week that it has a 64-bit part that it is playing with , but there is no operating system or applications up and running on it , yet .
11 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , enabling users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
12 The standard will reportedly provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to and should allow users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without the need to go back down to the shell , be they native or guest implementations .
13 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , allowing users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
14 buttoning their flies up or getting into their boots right .
15 We have had a very good year , thanks to the indefatigable Bugs sitting behind me , who is either fitting the boats out or going to New Zealand to win races or taking Guide Dogs for the Blind sponsored trips round greek flotillas er everything comes to him readily .
16 The HP SupportPack is a three-year support package available through authorised resellers worldwide and designed to keep customers ' business operations up and running with assurance of next-day product replacement directly from Hewlett-Packard .
17 He kept kicking things over and bumping into piles of rubble on the floor .
18 Some common elements , like drag and drop and point and click , have already found their way into most GUIs , and those involved in Galileo say it would be possible to get things up and running within a matter of weeks once agreement has been reached .
19 I asked had a very heated discussion erm where I si wanting to be having the careers teachers in and working with the forms etcetera and doing it , the er job wise and he would n't entertain at all
20 and that 's , what I wan na do next , take them , to take me old curtains down and gon na re-make them for Lee 's bedroom .
21 Hewlett-Packard does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 Series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
22 HP does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
23 The age of people carrying radios around or listening in cars was undreamt of .
24 Leaning her bike against the gate , she hopped up and over , then raced to the bridge and under it , and stood in the middle of the road holding both hands out and shouting to the van to stop .
25 That 's why we 've produced a database with development tools that gets new systems up and running in no time .
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