Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] [adv] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is because , as noted earlier , the uncertainty predicted by quantum effects is only on very small scales , while general relativity deals with the structure of space-time on very large scales .
2 For , as in other spheres , the contribution of amateurs is often at least as significant and valuable as that of professionals .
3 For its weight , there is really nothing wrong with the mechanical properties of wood and the weight of wooden structures is generally at least comparable to that of metal ones .
4 Very serious accident indeed er two people died from falling masonry er in fact one of the bodies is still in there somewhere , they have n't found him yet and twenty nine people died from large doses of radiation erm erm and others will die prematurely because of the large radiation dose that they got , mainly the emergency workers who went in to erm sort out the er er the problem .
5 More recently , more prosaic workers have claimed that the damage to coral reefs is nowhere near as widespread as the earlier alarmist reports had suggested .
6 But however enjoyable , reading about islands is nowhere near as rewarding as visiting them , and I consider myself fortunate in having been able to spend some time on the north Atlantic islands of Iceland , the Faroe Islands and that most remote of the British islands , St Kilda .
7 The provision of homes for old people by local authorities is still for only about twenty places per thousand old people in an area , and many of these will be for very old and frail disabled people .
8 In primitive societies the fact that as people get older they pass through socially recognised statuses is usually of much greater structural significance than in our society , and as a result is usually symbolically recognised by what van Gennep called rites de passage .
9 The Panthalassic sea that supposedly surrounded the proto-continents is thus at least that old .
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