Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] that they have " in BNC.

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1 The problem with device drivers is that they have to be installed in your CONFIG.SYS file , and it is usually helpful to have an install routine guide you through the process — lord knows , just about every other program you come across these days insists on writing to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT .
2 The fourth characteristic of each of the three countries is that they have had the luck to avoid the worst of the droughts which have badly affected agriculture and hydro-electric power supplies in many African countries in the 1970s and 1980s .
3 The reason for these visits is that they have asked for our help in drafting new laws and constitutions , as well as advising on legal procedures and the training of advocates .
4 The problem with the mixtures is that they have never been proved in the classical homoeopathic way , as had been done with the original remedies .
5 ‘ Our biggest problem with A-levels is that they have not been modified in the light of the GCSE , ’ says Brian Howseman , principal of Luton Sixth Form College .
6 The secret of these organisations is that they have a power which enables them to keep the key people which they want , even if executive search consultants potentially and actually try to lure them away .
7 The general pattern established by blacks ' involvement in sport in the last two hundred years is that they have excelled in all those areas within their cultural reach and such excellence is repeated generation alter generation .
8 ‘ I think the problem with new guitars is that they have n't lived , ’ ponders Alex suddenly .
9 One of the big advantages of larger machines is that they have more expansion slots for you to whack cards and boards into .
10 The danger with non-fishkeepers is that they have a tendency to overfeed the fish , causing a water quality problem .
11 The reason for putting the onus of proof on the firms is that they have both the incentive to make the case , and access to the detailed information on which the case is to be based .
12 The important thing to remember about agencies is that they have two different ways of structuring themselves .
13 The great merit of our constitutional arrangements is that they have developed cautiously and case by case .
14 As a white South African , he writes , ‘ One of the most winning qualities of my black countrymen is that they have an instinct for faith and a preparedness to follow and to be truly led .
15 The second advantage of passive sentences is that they have a different word order from active sentences .
16 ‘ Easy , ’ I replied , ‘ You see , the things about the Americans is that they 've absolutely no CLAAAARSE . ’
17 ‘ The thing you often see with young men is that they have had very little experience in dealing with people .
18 What is equally clear among business men is that they have no enthusiasm whatever for a Labour Government .
19 The problem for the police is that they have almost no chance of determining whether Mr Kevorkian assisted or not .
20 The trouble with all these guys is that they had become too aware of their public image after Saddam Hussein 's little escapade into Kuwait and the atrocious acts his troops had performed .
21 They are yet to be involved in the testing process : ‘ My real concern for my children is that they have n't gone through the tests for 14-year-olds yet , ’ he says .
22 The overwhelming conclusion emerging from any assessment of these programmes is that they have only a marginal impact on inner-urban problems .
23 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
24 The main problem for instrumental Marxist accounts is that they have great difficulty in explaining the eclecticism and indeterminacy of events in the world under a single reductionist or economist explanation which relates all actions by the state to the desires and power capabilities of a ruling class based on economic ownership .
25 The trouble with architect-designed houses on estates is that they have nothing like an open fire .
26 A key feature of the battery of initiatives is that they have largely stemmed from a Human Resource Management approach which is directed at employees as individuals .
27 For years we in this country have been accustomed to say ‘ American education is superficial ’ or ‘ the trouble with American students is that they have no idea of scholarship ’ .
28 ‘ I think the most important thing for the residents is that they have been given their dignity back , ’ said the Duchess afterwards .
29 The problem with all these drugs is that they have many side effects which are sometimes fatally toxic .
30 One of the features of the cerebral hemispheres is that they have more extensive interconnections from one part to other parts than is usual in sensory centres , and perhaps this was the feature , inherited from its origin as the smell-brain , that made it useful for other modalities as well ; global pattern recognition requires taking into account large chunks of sensory information , not just localised patches .
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