Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [noun pl] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't find anything in any of the shops to kill toads but reasoned that there was no way now for a toad to enter the flat .
2 The fisheries council meeting in Brussels decided to take no immediate steps to curb imports and rejected a French demand for a 30 per cent increase on minimum import charges .
3 The Youngs managed to get replacement traveller 's cheques to buy clothes and continued their fly-drive holiday .
4 In other words , there was a growth in the use of ‘ framework legislation ’ , with Parliament establishing a general framework for controlling or regulating an area of activity and granting to governmental agencies both rule-making powers to put flesh on the framework or quasi-judicial powers to resolve disputes that arose in the course of implementing these schemes .
5 Royalists might be asked to image what their reaction would be if the monarch started to revive ancient powers to dismiss governments or began refusing to give their assent to acts of parliament .
6 The films had a sense of urgency that the rest of mainstream British cinema at the time largely lacked , but their directors did n't have enough personal contact with the lives of their characters to offer visions that rang true .
7 Revisionist research has underlined the major scale of those mutinies , and the abruptness with which soldiers refused to implement orders to crush disturbances and began instead to press their own grievances .
8 Then , Labour was accused of holding the tax timebomb , with secret plans to raise taxes and put up national insurance contributions .
9 The approach of the police to the investigation of rape cases has been subject to much criticism — and then to considerable improvement — and it seems quite possible that these improvements , together with the advent of rape-crisis centres and victim-support facilities , have led more women to report rapes than did so formerly .
10 In the new pathway the formal lecture time was reduced to 60% of the total available , the remaining time to be used by students to pursue topics that interested them .
11 This was to be achieved partly by diversifying exports , but more significantly by creating local industries to manufacture goods that had previously been imported .
12 Peggy Lucas was one of the first women to fly Spitfires and went on to become the first woman in Britain to hold a commercial pilot 's licence .
13 Peggy Lucas was one of the first women to fly Spitfires and went on to become the first woman in Britain to hold a commercial pilot 's licence .
14 At this she rose , washed her mouth ten times to make amends and performed twenty prostrations for her scepticism .
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