Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] that [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 And watched him walk inside , and sat in the car watching for ten minutes to see that he stayed .
2 In a moment she would open her eyes to discover that it had all been an incredible , fantastical dream .
3 That is why he never took up any of the opportunities to teach that he had in his later life . ’
4 If , on the other hand , it never occurred to the defendant that the victim was young or mentally abnormal , and he was not aware therefore that he was in a situation of potential risk , he should not be liable for rape providing that he took reasonable steps to ascertain that she did agree to vaginal penetration , for in such a case his conduct is reasonable in the light of the facts as he perceived them to be .
5 While baptism was the main sacrament that could be performed by lay persons , the Church counselled the clergy to check that it had been properly performed .
6 The Commission will now issue a " Reasonable Opinion " , giving the government two months to prove that it had complied with EC law .
7 One can feel the painter , at first with gestures that are almost childish , and later like a strong , fully grown man , emptying his body of energy and liquids so as to leave traces to prove that he had physically existed .
8 She wanted their parents to know that they had had an accident , were safely aboard a Royal Navy ship and would be home soon . ’
9 Similarly , the Prevention of Terrorism Act requires bankers to prove that they did not know that a client 's funds were serving terrorism .
10 The reason for the decision was that the burden of proof lay on the defendants to prove that they had not been negligent and they had failed to discharge this burden .
11 It was impossible at times to imagine that he had been in this camp all of eighteen months .
12 My parents , like thousands of other black people , had scrimped and scraped and saved for years to ensure that we had a better life .
13 In the Jewish place , I did what was right , and put a stone on each of the graves to show that someone had come to visit , that the occupants were not forgotten . ’
14 A Section was made up of those who had passed the 2ème Bureau interview , and we were given red strips of cloth to wear on our epaulettes to show that we had passed our selection .
15 A similar case is GLC Police Commissioner v Strecker ( 1980 ) 71 Cr App R 113 ( DC ) — initialling goods to indicate that they had been stolen did not indicate possession .
16 The contents were debated , amended and finalised in a meeting of the home owners and managers to ensure that it met the needs of both participants and employers .
17 This volume does indeed contain many of Boulestin 's best recipes , but not one single one of the delicious menus in the composition of which he excelled ; and it was a mistake for the editors to suppose that they understood French syntax better than their author .
18 And Guido was putting in long hours to ensure that he did win .
19 They were therefore under the most powerful compulsion to adapt their ideas and tailor their programmes to ensure that they had mass appeal .
20 The adoptive parents had made no comments to suggest that they realized the children were unhappy .
21 There was nothing in the cast of her features to suggest that she had been alarmed or frightened at the moment of her death .
22 Walpole , who has been traditionally and perhaps wrongly regarded as the first British Prime Minister , always took pains to deny that he occupied such a position .
23 That non-enrollers were more likely than migrants to say that they had n't done a course because they needed other qualifications could imply ignorance of entry requirements .
24 Anyone who has practised at the Bar knows well that , in the sort of case that arises on an estate , where a number of people are involved , intimidation is such that it may prove impossible for a young man to find witnesses to say that he had left the scene of the crime and that another person was guilty of aggravated theft .
25 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
26 Meanwhile , it would be a mistake for legislation on divorce , tax or pensions to assume that they had .
27 getting compurgators to swear that they believed him to be oathworthy , although they knew nothing of the facts of the case .
28 By this , structuralists ( Miliband and Poulantzas alike ) mean that short-term concessions might be given to , or seized by , interests antithetical to capitalism , but once these interests pushed their demands beyond what was safe for the continuity of the capitalist mode of production and accumulation , then economic crisis would arise to constrain choice and force policy-makers to recognise that they operated within a capitalist world economic system .
29 Beating the bounds , when the parishioners walked round the parish boundaries to ensure that everyone knew where they were in case of dispute , was associated with the Rogationtide crop blessing .
30 ‘ PopCon has been doing research all over the world to establish that the majority of prospective parents would prefer a son to a daughter , and many would be prepared to undergo minor medical procedures to ensure that they got their wish , including the abortion of a female fetus , ’ Dorothy told a hushed audience in a room at a secret address in North London .
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