Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [conj] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , it never occurred to the defendant that the victim was young or mentally abnormal , and he was not aware therefore that he was in a situation of potential risk , he should not be liable for rape providing that he took reasonable steps to ascertain that she did agree to vaginal penetration , for in such a case his conduct is reasonable in the light of the facts as he perceived them to be .
2 Her frock was already soaked , but she paid no heed to that , because she could see she would certainly get wet from feet to head before she reached the farther bank .
3 Preoccupied with thoughts of her school and its organisation — she must get brochures printed and order equipment-there would be much redecoration and rearrangement of the rooms at Moorlake she would have a million and one things to do before she got this project airborne — Sara looked at him blankly .
4 She would not have told him where she was going , but for the life of her she would not have been able to invent a pressing enough reason for leaving the house , least of all with only the shelter of her flimsy summer hat , since an umbrella had not been top of her list of things to pack when she had hurriedly boarded the plane at Heathrow .
5 He fed her names to see whether she thought any of them capable of sending the knives or the death threat , either as unpleasant practical jokes or to intimidate .
6 There was nothing in the cast of her features to suggest that she had been alarmed or frightened at the moment of her death .
7 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
8 They caused her delicate brows to rise as she demanded indignantly , ‘ What do you mean ?
9 This happened to our Corporal Jane , who arrived back in camp after a brief visit to one of the neighbouring air fields to find that she had been posted to the Met Office at Group Headquarters , Huntingdon , and the corporal there , Rosemary Hilton , had received a reciprocal posting to Bourn .
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