Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the brothel-owners paid for the restoration of village temples and schools to help keep up the supply of young girls .
2 But it was one of my self-imposed duties to try to even out the peaks and troughs of his capricious temperament and make sure he produced his best golf when it mattered .
3 Plans to avoid picking up the pieces
4 When you begin to fly your model in circuits regularly , do be sure to practice both right and left hand circuits to avoid building up a bias towards one particular direction .
5 ‘ But I find it totally incomprehensible if someone has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for six years to want to resign over a personality — with such suddenness and haste . ’
6 Senior West German officials here last night said that the Bonn cabinet had agreed to vote with President Mitterrand and other EC leaders to fix a date before the end of next year for the special conference of EC governments to begin drawing up a new treaty .
7 Mr Richard says : ‘ It was more cost effective to use consultants to help draw up the ITT and provide quality assurance for our questions and requirements .
8 PRINCE Edward is calling in top football teams to help set up a new-look Duke of Edinburgh award .
9 If I was to er ask you to er just for the next ten minutes to start listing out the advertisers that you think might go into these , my guess is you 'd only get twenty five percent
10 They stamped their feet and flapped their arms around their bodies to try to keep out the extreme chill .
11 But asking bureaucrats to try to separate out the factual premises of decisions from the ethical premises which are properly the reserve of politicians is still desirable .
12 This indirectly inspired the Victoria and Albert dockers to discuss setting up a rival organization to Tillett 's and led to a united campaign against the employers later in the month .
13 It is one of Marx 's greatest contributions to philosophy and the social sciences to have pointed out the systematic relationship between knowledge and historical and social processes .
14 Scientists at Los Alamos have suggested using particle beams to help burn up the plutonium , rather than relying entirely on particles given off by a chain reaction going on within the material ; they think it would be like holding a flame underneath the plutonium , rather than starting a dangerous plutonium blaze .
15 Mary 's loveliness , then , as she lifted her heavy skirts to seem to skim up the steep wood by the cunning of lightly indented sheep paths , was supported on a diet , a regime of exercise and a purity of mountain air ionised by the nearness to the sea ; it was also — according to Wordsworth — nourished on the place itself and the people and life lived simply there — a life he placed at the heart of the Romantic Movement .
16 Army union leaders have instructed their members to refuse to fill in the questionnaire , which they say undermines the integrity of the Irish Army .
17 It is therefore useful to get a few adults to help calm down the too lively children .
18 In the summer of 1306 there took place at Montreuil the first of a series of meetings ( ‘ processes ’ ) between French and English representatives to try to work out the legal position of the lands held by the English in Aquitaine .
19 In his thesis Andrew Fortune made a number of recommendations to help step up the improvements in customer service , which have been echoed in the recommendations of the Customer Focus Task Force .
20 They enjoyed huge success from ‘ 63 to ‘ 68 , not only because of the Ventures connection but also because they looked cool and had great-sounding handwound Alnico pickups ( Moseley purposely slanted his rhythm pickups to help balance out the treble and bass response ) .
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