Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday 's ruling suggests companies seeking to protect their commercial secrets may have a case under Section 10 .
2 Recall that the authorities may have an interest in seeing interest rates rise in order to discourage bank lending and monetary growth .
3 Immunosuppressed patients are , however , often seronegative for anti-hepatitis C virus in the presence of active infection , and nucleic acid assays may have a role here .
4 Shareholders must have a fortnight to consider an offer , so that the final offer must come before the 46th day .
5 And to be a fair traded product , the charter says that erm the company who are selling the products should have an input at that level .
6 A minority of three recommended that all equity shareholders should have a right to attend and speak at meetings and that there should be a prohibition on the listing of non-voting or restricted-voting equity shares .
7 Each of the seven library authorities should have a member of staff responsible for training whose job description included the responsibility for co-ordinating and promoting staff training and development .
8 ‘ But surely the garages must have an emergency service or something ? ’
9 A suggestion may be offered that the appearance of the figures on drinking vessels may have a significance .
10 It drew their attention to the fact that some of their clients may have a hearing problem without expressly saying so .
11 If , as was proposed , denominational schools should have a choice of status — effectively inside or outside the fully provided and supported system — what should happen in those districts where the only school was a Church school ?
12 Schools should have a policy of removing obsolete material .
13 All patrol units must have a buddy patrol notified and present in the event of a police matter .
14 If possible , ladders should have a number of exits , particularly important on high slides disguised as playhouses or dens , for toddlers who bottle out !
15 Candidates should have a degree in electronic engineering .
16 Candidates should have a degree or PhD in Chemistry or Biochemistry and appropriate extensive experience within the Agrochemical or related industry .
17 Candidates should have a degree in Landscape Architecture or a closely related discipline .
18 Candidates should have a training and practical experience in basic electronics .
19 All candidates should have a driving licence .
20 Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years work experience since graduating in economics .
21 Although all interested parties must have a say , surely it is time that the marine environment is given the recognition and protection it deserves .
22 It was a consequence of the theory under test that radio waves should have a velocity equal to the velocity of light .
23 District nominees should have a business address within the district they represent .
24 At last the Eastern Bloc nations might have a chance of catching up with the West , and we owe them a debt .
25 I have managed to breed my Port Hoplo catfish and I thought I would drop you a line explaining how I succeeded so that other readers might have a try .
26 Albion fresh from promotion are always good at home with a big crowd cheering them on and their fans could have a lot to shout about …
27 The units could have a counter top and there would need to be efficient lighting .
28 She says : ‘ At the moment , nannies who look after children in their employers ' homes could have a history of the worst child abuse imaginable .
29 But they also said the Jews would have a homeland in Palestine and agreed that when the war ended the French would control Syria and what was then called Mount Lebanon .
30 Data that , then , cost nothing if obtained through government channels would have a price if sold through the medium of free enterprise — a peculiar state of affairs .
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