Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] be think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Modernist organizations may be thought of in terms of Weber 's typification of bureaucratized , mechanistic structures of control , as these were subsequently erected upon a fully rationalized base of divided and deskilled labour .
2 Simon Brown J. cited no authority for this dictum , so far as it related to the possibility of supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court over the visitors to the Inns of Court , but it was cited to us as an example of a suggested parallel with the supervisory jurisdiction which the High Court undoubtedly exercises in other contexts which in some respects may be thought to be comparable .
3 Unit trusts must buy back any units investors wish to sell , at the prevailing price , and so investors can obtain liquidity at any time , although of course if instant liquidity is required the transaction may have to be carried out at unfavourable prices , and so units should be thought of as long term investments with a deposit account held at a bank or building society for liquid funds .
4 The nonwords should be thought of as new words , previously unencountered , and as letter-strings which could be words .
5 Positional signals might be thought of as instructive since they tell the cell its position in the system .
6 These stress trajectories can be thought of , more or less , as strings under tension and they will try to straighten in much the same way .
7 If communities can be thought of as houses , we are as concerned to discover what goes on in the bedroom , bathroom and kitchen as in the dining-room and sitting-room .
8 He has pointed out , too , that if life is considered in this light , then some clays could be thought of as alive .
9 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
10 Census materials are an invaluable resource for the historian but the technical manipulation of figures may be thought of as being the remit of the mathematics department or even the geographers .
11 Although the students had few problems in discerning a variety of viable strategies for presenting new lexis in such a way that learners might be thought to be able to perceive its meaning without the intervention of English , the areas of structure and discourse proved less tractable .
12 These positive actions can be thought of as good practice in risk management .
13 These things can be thought about , moral problems can be faced and solved , one just needs the will and the courage .
14 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
15 Harmony is dependent on the species being considered , but with fish that have a potential size of 12″ these stocking levels could be thought of as being rather high .
16 The households can be thought of as the owners of factors of production , the services of which they sell to firms in exchange for income ( in the form of wages , salaries , interest , rent and profit ) .
17 Intersection and union of sets can be thought of in terms of the shaded regions in Fig. 0.1 ; such figures are called Venn diagrams .
18 This is not to say that the share of overseas assets reached a peak in 1989 Q4 ; it simply implies that the conditions for investment are relatively free in that any remaining controls can be thought of as prudential rather than prohibitive .
19 The possibility of publication was raised by Thorneycroft who suggested not only that it would demonstrate the thinking that had been done , but tactically that it would ‘ in some degree pre-empt any White Paper which the Socialists may be thinking of producing based on Longford ’ .
20 All these points should be thought about and considered in relation to the space you have to play with ( a square room , rectangular room , cramped galley , and so on ) as well as any existing appliances , and should certainly give you a clearer idea of the sort of room that will answer your needs .
21 ‘ What Tory back-benchers should be thinking about is the mass retribution that will come upon the Tory Party as people discover the full impact of this treaty if it is ever brought into effect .
22 Thus , as Romaine points out , the following utterances might be thought of as functionally equivalent , in that they have the same communicative purpose , even though the surface syntactic forms are not necessarily related :
23 These underlying issues can be thought of as ‘ hidden voices ’ , which can block learning , or , if they become a central focus , can unleash learning and motivation to change .
24 In this sense , as alternative ways to meet the same need , the two markets can be thought of as being in competition .
25 These decision points can be thought of as nooses that pull together two or more nodes in a tree .
26 Yet others may be thinking of going on to more formal education , and treat a year with the OCA as an introduction to their particular interest .
27 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
28 The number systems we use as yardsticks should be thought of as being made not of wood but of elastic which can be stretched or shrunk to our convenience .
29 Scripts can be thought of as slot-and-filler structures , in which the slots have default values so that events can be inferred even when they are not mentioned explicitly in a text .
30 Azimuthal or Zenithal projections can be thought of in terms of the projection of the lines of latitude and longitude on the globe onto a fiat sheet of paper which touches the globe at some point ( for example , the north or south pole in the case of Polar Azimuthal projections ) .
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