Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] be for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the likelihood of restricting drivers to eight km/h for all but the shortest distances appears remote , the implication is that all shared-space areas must be for small groups of houses only or short culs-de-sac .
2 The first step in forging an alliance of Euro-Parliamentarians would be for national MPs to be invited to the special hearings on changes to the Rome Treaty being organised by the European Parliament .
3 These groups would be involved in a ‘ demand-side ’ classificatory struggle with the more established members of the dominant classes whose aesthetic tastes would be for high modernist art .
4 May apply to more than one contract , but ’ call off ’ orders should be for specific projects .
5 Loans can be for double glazing , cavity wall insulation , loft conversion , central heating — permanent improvements that make your home more comfortable to live in — and if you 're thinking of more than one improvement , a loan can be arranged to cover this .
6 The Focus Activity asks you to choose an alternative way of delivering care ; to describe how this could be implemented in your situation ; and what the consequences might be for individual clients , costs and staffing .
7 Approximately 30% of the marks will be for straightforward handling of theory — but additional marks for pass , credit and distinction standard must come from the quality of the candidate 's understanding and ability to communicate in acceptable fashion .
8 After much discussion , the decision is to make arrangements for a three-year transition , with batches of courses being transferred to the new format in time for student enrolment in September 1990 , 1991 and 1992 : in the latter year , all initial student enrolments will be for new-style courses .
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