Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] it [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 If the Eastern District was less successful in some respects than it would have liked to be , it was not for want of trying .
2 They all spent time reassuring Fiona until the worst of the worry unwound from her body and I watched the movement of her silver-blond hair in the soft lights and made no attempt to throw doubts because it would have achieved nothing good .
3 The organisation would be unable to respond positively to as many requests for financial help for the arts as it would have liked .
4 so will there be a game and if so where and shall i pack my football shoes in my luggage — im leaving home ( over here in even colder ( -5 C ) norway ) ) in just a couple of hours so it would have been nice to know .
5 Remarkably , the subsequent behaviour leaves the pulsar rotating more slowly after 50 days than it would have done in the absence of the glitch .
6 A few weeks before it would have seemed inconceivable that she should ever see Hilda again , but now she almost looked forward to the meeting .
7 Sir Adrian cites the example of the army commander who leads his troops over the top of the trenches when it might have been more prudent to stay put .
8 Since I accept his primary submission I do not find it necessary to consider his other options , but I observe that in every case they would involve the court in a far more creative exercise in framing the law , which I doubt we would be entitled to undertake , than by holding as I would do that a corporate public authority has no right to sue for the tort of defamation and is to be left , if necessary , to such other rights as it may have , in particular the right to sue for malicious falsehood .
9 In retrospect , Ken is a little unhappy that he did n't ask his belayer to place the pegs so it could have been an on-sight flash .
10 She added : ‘ At the time I did n't report it to the police because it would have been my word against a doctor 's .
11 This was unacceptable to the Turks because it would have involved them in legitimizing Russia 's longstanding and deliberate misinterpretation of the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardji of 1774 .
12 All the others before it will have hierarchical actions , each setting up the subsidiary search which was solved by the following rule .
13 It had not obtained assessments for schemes when it should have .
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