Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [be] show to " in BNC.

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1 Even from the point of view of ‘ saver ’ , let alone ‘ worker ’ , conservative/speculative management of funds can be shown to be damaging : savers ' interests lie in ensuring that when they retire , or reach a specified age , the pensions , endowments or annuities they receive will support a reasonable standard of living .
2 The criterion of distortion is that statements are made about the society which by social-scientific methods can be shown to be positively in error , whereas selectivity [ i.e. primary selectivity ] is involved where the statements are , at the proper level , ‘ true ’ , but do not constitute a balanced account of the available truth .
3 It went to the extent of stating , ‘ … the TUC could not at any stage commit itself in advance to approve or acquiesce in the methods to be adopted to reach full employment simply because those methods can be shown to be well fitted and even necessary to the achievement of that objective …
4 We have already seen that depressive or manic responses may be shown to be related to the problem of the son 's relation to the mother and his contradictory desire to be devoted to her as the ideal mother of hunter-gatherer prehistory and yet to be free of her as the phallic , dominant mother of primal agriculture .
5 Some people were outstanding and became the deified men and women of the great religions , and their lives can be shown to be relevant to the conception of the Created God .
6 In areas of permeable rocks with sub-parallel valleys the terrace fragments on the spurs have breaks of slope both at the back and the front , and , in favourable circumstances , terraces at quite close height intervals can be shown to be distinct from each other .
7 In each case these writers can be shown to be trying to place the other outside the sphere of mastery rather than in a relation of negation or of reduplication of the self .
8 He looked at the crime figures reported by the Merseyside police , where the increase in clear-up rates could be shown to be related to the number of prison visits by police officers .
9 ‘ Content validity ’ ( C2 ) refers to the extent to which individual items can be shown to be measuring the same underlying skills or abilities .
10 Furthermore , if the components of two tensors can be shown to be equal in a particular coordinate system , i.e. then because the corresponding components of and transform identically the equality holds for all coordinate frames including , of course , accelerating frames .
11 Finally , as we have noted , pronouns are often used non-deictically ; but the actual variety of uses can be shown to be far greater than one would easily imagine ( Watson , 1975 ; Sacks , 1976 ) .
12 According to falsificationism , some theories can be shown to be false by an appeal to the results of observation and experiment .
13 ‘ See , ’ the girl said proudly , ‘ these flowers made of gems , I created the pattern for them and designed the slippers in such a way that the amethysts would be shown to the best advantage . ’
14 The classic realists could be shown to be just as transgressive and problematic as the modernists .
15 But if some existing races could be shown to be closer to the apes than others , would this not prove their inferiority ?
16 New historicism is most concerned with the late Foucault , in particular with representations and mechanisms of power , the means through which cultural artefacts can be shown to be not passive reflectors of the history of their time but active producers of it .
17 By searching a data file containing all the piece-part " boxes " for geometric domains , the simple relationship between parts can be established ; the boxes can be shown to be remote , adjacent , interfering and inserted .
18 All of the above transformations can be shown to be obtainable from a general rotation and rescaling of the coordinates in the plane .
19 Where the subtests can be shown to be reliable and valid , such subtests scores may provide a useful profile of the child 's ability in a variety of areas .
20 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
21 The assumption that because the accounts can be shown to be wrong , with the benefit of hindsight , every creditor can blame the auditors , is decisively rejected .
22 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
23 The — s of cows can be shown to be a semantic constituent by the normal test :
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