Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] they think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Louisiana has a ‘ shoot the burglar ’ law , which allows householders to kill intruders if they think they are a threat to themselves or their families .
2 I make the distinction of ‘ pub drinkers ’ because home drinkers often pour much larger so-called singles and therefore consume at least as many calories as they think they are taking in — frequently even more .
3 In contrast , a merger is the voluntary union of two companies where they think they will do better by amalgamating .
4 They might stop me having visitors if they think I reduce them to tears .
5 Time flows strangely and travellers become lost for years although they think they have been walking only hours .
6 A new generation of canny investors who have inherited family fortunes will quickly switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal .
7 Another funny story , also off the record is that that lay in a drawer for two years because they thought it was controversial , they thought it was which I find hilarious .
8 When the subsequent television programme was broadcast , he lost a lot of business from his Protestant customers as they thought he was receiving funds from the IFI .
9 ‘ But she was very brave and amazed the doctors by doing things when they thought she should have been dead long ago . ’
10 I mean , we could , one of the big problems you know in science is people only start protesting things when they think they 're credible , and often it 's very difficult to get people , first of all to think it 's credible , before they erm before you can get the tests .
11 Palmer , seconded by GLEB to work with NoS , felt many people were naively attracted to the pops because they thought they were easier to do .
12 Ask the children if they think they can walk through a postcard .
13 Living proof of this point are tonight 's audience , who have come here hoping for some of the screaming industrial hardcore MBM used to play , but nevertheless 90 per cent of them would do their unintentionally amusing Maori rugby player dance to a series of sampled farts if they thought they should .
14 Next day a newspaper reporter asked the young men if they thought it would have been fair for the crowd to kill them .
15 Some patients are more suggestible than others in this respect , but a fair proportion of food-sensitive people will react with symptoms if they think they have eaten one of their culprit foods .
16 Also , if I am not there , some people might have loose tongues if they think you do not understand . ’
17 ‘ And your parents quite obviously hate my guts because they think I walked out on Jennifer when she most needed me …
18 sign those papers because they thought there was a tie-up
19 Author of Love Is n't Quite Enough — a study of male-female relationships — Dr Tysoe says , ‘ I have n't come across any evidence that shows older women are attracted to toyboys because they think they might be better in bed .
20 There is nothing as joyful for the opinionated as to have finally been proved right and I ca n't help but think there are many marginally employed musicians around Ireland today who weep or harrumph glumly into their pints when they think what might have happened if they 'd listened to Nicky .
21 I mean , the things they say about women when they think they 're alone , they 're just jokes are n't they ?
22 Elsewhere , the company is persuading people to take just one paper napkin instead of the traditional handful ( usage is down by 40 per cent at one US example ) and asking them to help themselves to just as many vegetables as they think they 'll realistically eat .
23 I had thought that builders built houses when they thought they thought they could sell them , I did n't realize it was part of some altruistic policy of complying with planning policy , still we learn everything every day , do n't we ?
24 It would also deal with the danger posed by ardent nationalists or super-patriots who might willingly run the risk of themselves being prosecuted for war crimes if they thought their state would gain some permanent benefit from their actions .
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