Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [pron] take [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas she ca n't stand doing the pictures cos it takes her too much time .
2 But it was months before anyone took them seriously .
3 together with a representative of British Rail , and he was saying that , I , forget how many car transporters they 've got that erm , they built , bought specially to go on British Rail , he said , but they said he just had to give them up for many reasons and one of them was the problems that they have with new cars when they take them on British Rail and the brake dust from the trains apparently causes immediate rust .
4 He nodded his thanks as he took it and flipped another cigarette butt into the toilet .
5 This is an interesting book even for non-Southern devotees as he takes us through from the most menial shunting operation with grimy British Rail survivors to sleek passenger workings with shiny green locomotives .
6 They awoke in each other 's arms as usual , but when Damian made love to her there was an edge to it , an urgency that frazzled her , made her pleasure sharply intense , pain mingling with her cries as he took her with him into the dark , hot void they shared .
7 The road , such as it was , had come to an end and the last twelve miles to our destination were strictly four-wheel drive through yard-deep mud , and over streams alarmingly bridged with thick bamboo trunks simply laid next to each other , so that they separated between our wheels if we took them at anything less than a rush .
8 Girl On A Motorcycle and we still owe six pounds because we took it back late , so because of that we 've had nothing since
9 Then she carried the basket to the washing line and unpegged the clothes rapidly , chucking them down in a windblown tangle ( Ella folded things as she took them out of the tumble drier .
10 If the truth were known , he had only acceded to her wishes because it took him away from her , allowing him access to libraries , bookshops and students of all races and creeds — many of them Irish .
11 Profits since we took it over . .
12 He was almost in tears when he took her to the station , and when he said his farewells his reedy voice was quite unsteady .
13 I said I 'll leave mine out for the bloody bin men before I take it down the tippy .
14 Merseyside police have revealed that they probably killed James a few hours after they took him from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle .
15 I 've asked many people I 've met who sell drugs if they take them and they say , ‘ No , no ’ .
16 In those moments , those final moments as he took her and reached ecstasy , she had been able to believe he loved her , felt something for her ; and , though she knew he did not , she was moved , wanted to retain those precious moments which he had just given her when he had finally stripped the mask away and let her see how human he was as he merged with her and lost himself inside her .
17 ‘ We 've been very fortunate in most of the families of new residents when they take them out , they often take out their friends as well .
18 The soft , perished feel of the old washer which rubbed black on your fingers as you took it out of the tap .
19 He 'd survived where they had eliminated some of his followers because they took him at his own estimation , a man of the cloth .
20 she looked absolute daggers when she took him out did n't she ?
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