Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The practice can occur in actual business meetings where they set aside some time to make it possible to reflect on their actions and to correct them .
2 A large proportion of the children have been referred to the school from mainstream schools where they have frequently been seen as having severe behaviour problems .
3 The head needs to encourage staff to scrounge for good management , display and communications ideas from schools where they have previously worked , schools where their own children attend , industry , supermarkets , courses , magazines and even books .
4 ‘ On average I suppose it 's fair to say that they are down here once every three months so we know exactly what they want and how to give it to them . ’
5 Although his voice rides the airwaves as fresh as it ever did , he admits that physically he is past his prime : arthritis brings him recurring pain in his legs although he has already lived 18 months longer than he was told a 60-a-day smoking habit would allow .
6 Women 's immense contribution during the war led directly to their enfranchisement and to greater professional and social opportunities than they had ever before enjoyed .
7 Rent and Norfolk now deserted Lancaster and accused him of sedition , and the king ordered the confiscation of all his property and the property of his supporters until they submitted unconditionally .
8 Slowly and with great dignity , Tsu Ma climbed the steps until he stood there at his dead father 's side .
9 Most people are also scared to get involved now , because of the reprisals if they 've actually reported some , to er , to a crime and you can a , understand that .
10 Some fear reprisals if they did so , although tourists have been coming here for years to fish for trout and salmon . ’
11 It will help to understand the relationships if we consider again the diagram of the four-fold human being with its physical , emotional , mental and spiritual planes ; imbalances in these planes constituting the internal or inherited factors ; and the whole surrounded by-environmental influences , both beneficial and harmful ( Figure 10 ) .
12 They start talking about ‘ trampolining ’ which is the art of bouncing through a girl 's tights until you hit home .
13 Shop monthly account Credit from a particular shop , sometimes to an agreed limit ( say , £200 ) , until monthly statement which you have to pay in full ; no interest ( except in some shops if you pay late ) .
14 The highest type of firework last year if it was specified was the sparkler remarkably enough and we would make this point very seriously that parents tend to give children sm very small children sparklers and they must remember tha that these things are fireworks they are dangerous they do get red hot er they must supervise them at all times when they give them sparklers cos they may wave them around they may se set somebody else 's clothing on fire with them they may get the sparks in their eyes if they get too close to them er and one particular danger of course is that they they may get hold of en the hot end when the firework has finally extinguished and they think it 's all finished with .
15 Back in January 1980 we made ten predictions about the decade ahead — and offered free resubscription forms to all readers if we scored less than five out of ten .
16 Yes , you 'd miss the parties if we went away .
17 These are the most interesting to fishkeepers because they occur mainly in tropical areas where rivers give high rates of sediment accumulations trapping pools and lakes of brackish water .
18 He preferred to visit this famous spa town during those months because he felt reasonably confident that his shoulders would rub against aristocracy rather than artisans .
19 At times I had spent hours roaming around pastures looking for poisonous plants but that was pointless with Billings 's calves because they had never been out ; they were mere babies ofa month old .
20 There were thousands of paparazzi and fans because they 'd never had a world premiere in Houston before .
21 The RAF parachute instructors are at a disadvantage against most of the other seven nations because they have never been soldiers .
22 She did n't know the colour of his eyes because she had never looked into them .
23 There were white lines in the brown flesh at the side of his eyes because he smiled so much .
24 These children had n't learnt to be afraid of animals because they had never heard of Earth , the Burning , or the Book of Remembering .
25 We do n't have to stay with plants , and for this stage of the argument it might be better to switch to animals because they have more obviously complicated organs .
26 And a lot have had to close their lists because they have so many would-be clients . ’
27 But , despite this assumption , they sat at the desk so closely that their bodies were almost touching , and there were times when his arm encircled her shoulders while he leaned forward to check additions on the electronic calculator .
28 You have n't said more than two words since you got here . "
29 It is a simple matter of keeping the rod high above the rushes while I manoeuvre downstream .
30 The EPR paper concludes with the words While we have thus shown that the wavefunction does not provide a complete description of physical reality , we have left open the question of whether or not such a description exists .
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