Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His finger pressed her lips , his eyes warning her not to continue .
2 She said it simply and quietly , her eyes meeting his without flinching .
3 Charlotte was aware of Golding 's eyes watching her closely to gauge her reaction .
4 She flew back to Lima and wrote to all her clients telling them not to expect any more craft goods : she was quitting and going to work in the jungle .
5 And when she 's off on the piste she 'll doubtless miss the Press lads following her around calling her an idle good-for-nothing .
6 I can remember being asked to run the mile at school and my parents encouraging me not to stop ( try hard ) .
7 Rather , it evolved in fits and starts as its various components were deployed in a variety of areas producing what quickly became classic studies and the base line for a growing corpus of social research findings .
8 I sa , as I say , I met this morning with the three members from Potter Street erm we do have various alternative proposals for sa ways forward should the village back out and what I can say to you at this stage is that we have another meeting scheduled for next week , we will be meeting with the Resident 's Associations keeping them fully informed erm we will ensure that the letter goes back to Mrs who and the other Resident 's Associations who expressed concern there and that we will be taking , I hope , I hope because I 'm gon na have to say if Woolwich back out we 're going out we 're going have to move very fast and do some quite erm in-depth work .
9 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
10 We had real cowboys teaching us how to use a gun although I 've never felt the need to carry a gun um , I felt like a five year old with a pistol .
11 Darlington transport committee heard yesterday Mr Drury has to write frequently to parents asking them not to park near the entrance .
12 Lack of childcare facilities not only blocks a job , even if there were one , it prevents single parents doing anything else to prepare themselves for a changing job market .
13 In addition to using casual workers to man up for " events " , we also found cases of organisations bringing them in to cope with peaks in what might be termed their " more continuous " activities .
14 While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment , there should , however , be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate .
15 He spent weeks nerving himself up to get a big whale picture , or maybe a dolphin .
16 Guests wishing it well included Robert Lindsay and Michael Palin .
17 He had written letters home and to his fiancée with poems asking them not to weep at his grave .
18 You spend years learning something only to forget what you 've learned .
19 Honda immediately withdrew the two affected models — the HR-EL 171 and 172 and has contacted all its 4,500 owners warning them not to use the machine until a solution is found .
20 They were eminently suited to the work and knew their ship and its equipment well enough to keep things going which also suited the administration at Headquarters .
21 They were concerned with variety of opinion , editorial freedom , partisan bias — values having nothing directly to do with economics and industry .
22 The agreement was signed by representatives of the six groups attending who also undertook to carry out the resolutions of the conference .
23 Harrison knew many of the wrestlers and the rest of the morning passed pleasantly enough as he moved around the quacks and the pedlars , tinkers and gypsies and show people who were an enjoyable contrast to the farmers ' wives selling their freshly imprinted butter , with their buckets of eggs , the vegetables and poultry , rabbits , game pies , potted char , rum butter .
24 Richard Nixon had been plagued by the phenomenon of political appointees ‘ going native ’ , a process that began immediately with career civil servants initiating their newly appointed political superiors into the mores , values , policy preferences and interest group connections of the department .
25 In many cases , those who had come had spent large sums preparing themselves adequately to join the English ranks , such was their keenness to serve under a commander of high reputation .
26 This hybrid bike from Raleigh combines popular mountain and road bike features making it perfectly suited for people who like mountain bikes but have no intention of going near a mountain .
27 But motorists using it today had mixed opinions .
28 Erm there are days , occasions that could have sparked off major confrontation with the trade unions binding , the members binding themselves together to protect the interests of one of their colleagues .
29 Although recent advice to mothers warning them not to allow babies to sleep on their stomachs or get too warm has helped considerably , health experts said there is no single answer .
30 She leant lower over the bed , to give her words extra emphasis , but Ace took immediate and unfair advantage of her low centre of gravity , and pulled her down on to him , his two arms holding her firmly pressed against his full length .
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