Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] not [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Carves your eyes clear not so quickly
2 Modern prehistorians do not any more attach such importance to the introduction of pottery , which can not be clearly correlated with such things as agriculture .
3 While applications do not always positively demand this capability , the overwhelming trend in modern multimedia is towards providing it .
4 Temporary problems do not usually seriously damage leather corals ; if conditions are returned to normal they usually recover .
5 Unrelated participles do not usually seriously impede a reader 's understanding , but they are generally considered incorrect forms .
6 In other experiments , Papi has shown that pigeons do not home accurately if their nostrils are blocked , or if their olfactory nerve is cut , or if they are experimentally distracted by a strong smell ; but other experimenters have failed to repeat these results and it has proved impossible to train pigeons to make the relevant olfactory distinctions ( which is a standard , and powerful , method of testing for sensory abilities — p. 43 .
7 In fact , the electoral effects of scare-stories about immigration and asylum may be one of the so-far unrecognised aspects of the campaign , partly because such stories have not so far featured prominently among the factors of mass-media coverage to which the Labour Party has attributed its own defeat .
8 Such comments show not so much an insensitivity to the problems of the locals , but reduces them to cyphers , tourist attractions almost , along with the surrounding scenery .
9 But your suspenseful situations do not necessarily ever need to become other than subtle .
10 Moreover , the cultural spheres have not yet fully been separated from external reality as unproblematic assumptions of epistemological and aesthetic realism continue to predominate .
11 Even in the United States ' Supreme Court with its overtly political processes of appointment , it seems that , in deciding landmark cases embodying sweeping reforms of the law , the justices do not always fully appreciate the significance and social consequences of their decisions ( Horowitz , 1977 ) .
12 Speadsheets have not so far figured largely as a resource for history , but they could be used with certain types of documentary sources .
13 Forms do not then merely passively reflect or represent " ways of life " ( though they do this too ) ; crucially they enable or curtail forms of living ( producing , reproducing ) .
14 At the moment publishers fear not so much the literary efforts of retiring politicians but those of MPs who have lost their seats .
15 These tests do not always accurately reproduce the disease symptoms .
16 Scientific validity of the Nadi and meridian systems is now well established ( Motoyama ) and the key to cure , rather than relief of systems , is found in the electrical potential of an organism , as all living phenomena are essentially electro-vibratory , a fact that orthodox Western medical minds have not yet quite realised .
17 Ministers have not only not spoken out against this irresponsibility but now can not speak persuasively against these boardroom excesses because so many ex-Cabinet Ministers are themselves among the beneficiaries of these excesses , ’ he said .
18 The terms ‘ postmodern ’ , ‘ postmodernism ’ and their affiliates have not so far been accepted in Italy , except , for the most part , vaguely , in reports from overseas .
19 There are three equipments that have been selected where the contracts have not actually yet been placed .
20 If there is any one awareness common to the great modern writers , it is that language will not do our bidding , that good or bad intentions do not so much pave roads , as poke up odd coloured weeds through the roadway .
21 Lessors do not however always act with great speed !
22 The prisons have not so far been told what Mr Howard 's plans for more austerity in jail are likely to mean .
23 The rudimentary organs have not even yet been formed at this stage and the implications support the existence of a guiding field of electromagnetic energy as a responsible agent for the organisation of the cells of the newly forming embryo via the DNA .
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